
回答: 《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 zt不學王明2010-09-25 15:09:04
《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 ZT
來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04

《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 ZT
來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04

《美國口語慣用法例句集粹》 ZT
來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04

來源: 不學王明 於 10-09-25 15:09:04


1)Gangway! We're coming through! 躲開,躲開,讓我們過去!

2)Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool. 每年,孩子們都對我群起而攻之,將我拋入遊泳池.


1)Last year's party was a gas. 去年的晚會很棒.

2)Would you please take the car and gas it up? 你能幫忙把車開去加滿油嗎?

3)I wish you'd give it the gas. We're late. 我希望你能快一點兒,我們遲到了.

4)Everyone hopes the serial killers gets the gas chamber. 大家都希望將那連環殺人犯送進毒氣室.

5)When are you gonna get rid of that gas guzzler? 你準備什麽時候處理掉那輛"吃"油的大卡車?

6)We gassed up in the last town. 我們在上一個鎮上給車加油了.

353. gear

1)Large trucks need to gear down going up steep hills. 大型卡車在爬陡坡時,需要換低速檔.

2)We're gearing up to produce a new line of products. 我們正在努力生產新係列的產品.

3)Everything has been in high gear since we got a new management. 自從我們有了新的經營管理階層, 所有工作都在高效率地 進行.

4)I want to shift gears and talk about something else. 我想改變一下講話的調子,談些其它的事.

354. get

1)You ought to get about $400 out of your old car. 你的舊汽車應該賣 400 美元左右.

2)How do you propose we get across the river? 你認為我們應怎樣渡過那條河呢?

3)Sales is a flaky business unless you get after it. 除非你不斷追求,不然銷售行業是個沒有指望的行業.

4)So, how have you been getting along? 那麽,你一直過得怎麽樣呢?

5)What are you using to get around in? 你四處旅行用的是什麽(交通工具)?

6)When are you going to get around to painting the house? 你什麽時候會擠出時間來油漆一下房子?

7)I like how they planned their getaway in the movie. 我喜歡電影中他們策劃的逃跑方式.

8)I'm not just going to stand by while he gets away with murder. 如果他免受處罰,我是不會袖手旁觀的.

9)I think your ex-wife is trying to get back at you. 我覺得你的前妻在試圖報複你.

10)Keep doing your homework so you don't get behind in school. 堅持寫你們的家庭作業,這樣你們就不會在學習裏掉隊.

11)Things aren't great, but we'll get by. 情況不是太好,但我們會應付得過去.

12)Let's get down to business. 讓我們轉入正題吧!

13)Hey, kids! Get in the house! 嗨!孩子們,進房間來!

14)We've been discussing it for two hours and are getting nowhere. 我們對它已進行了兩個小時的討論,但是絲毫沒有進展.

15)Randy gets off on early rock'n roll. Randy 喜歡早起搖滾樂.

16)You need to get on with your life. 你需要(忘記不愉快的事)繼續你的人生.

17)I don't like this atmosphere. Let's get out of here. 我不喜歡這兒的氣氛,我們離開兒吧!

18)That driver needs to get over to his own lane. 那司機得回到他自己的行車道上去.

19)How are you gonna get there? 你準備怎麽去那兒?

20)I'm just trying to get through the day. 我隻是想努力熬過這一天.

21)Get to the point. 講要點!

22)Let's get together after work. 工作完了以後,我們聚一下.

23)I have to get up at 5 a.m. 我得在早晨 5 點種起床.

24)When are you going to get with it? 你們什麽時候開始認真地去做這件事?


1)The old man gave up the ghost. 那位老人去世了.

2)Paul is ghostwriting the book for the celebrity. Paul 為那位名人代筆寫這本書.

3)We don't have a ghost of chance of winning. 我們毫無希望獲勝.


1)No on here has done a thing. What gives? 這兒的人沒有一個幹了事,到底是怎麽回事?

2)Marriage requires some give-and-take by both partners. 婚約需要夫妻雙方的一些相互交流和體諒.

3)We're going to give away some old clothes to charity. 我們將捐獻一些舊衣服給慈善團體.

4)The philanthropist donated $1 million because he wanted to give back something to society. 那位慈善家捐贈了一百萬美元,因為他想對社會有所回報.

5)You've got to stop giving in to your kids. 你應該不要想你的孩子們讓步.

6)I want you to give it all you got during practice. 我希望你能在練習中使用所有學到的東西.

7)This flower gives off a strange smell. 這花散發出一股怪味.

8)Give or take a few minutes, we should be there in an hour. 或遲或早幾分鍾的時間,我會在一小時後到達那兒.

9)They're giving out free ice cream samples over there. 他們正在那兒分發免費的冰淇淩試嚐品.

10)I give up. What's the answer? 我不再試了,答案是什麽?

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