背靠著背, 坐在地毯上, 聽聽音樂, 聊聊願望.
你希望我越來越溫柔, 我希望你放我在心上.
你說想送我個浪漫的夢想, 謝謝我帶你找到天堂.
哪怕用一輩子才能完成, 隻要我講你就記住不忘.
我能想到最浪漫的事, 就是和你一起慢慢變老.
一路上收藏點點滴滴的歡笑, 留到以後 坐著搖椅 慢慢聊.
我能想到最浪漫的事, 就是和你一起慢慢變老.
直到我們老的哪兒也去不了, 你還依然 把我當成 手心裏的寶.
The Most Romantic Thing ---Y. H. Zhao
Sit on carpet with our backs together,
Talking about our tomorrow in music.
You wish I am getting even tender,
I wish I am always the lover in your heart.
You say you will give me a romantic dream,
I thank you for leading me to our holy heaven.
My gratitude lasts forever,
If you can remember what I am saying to you:
The most romantic thing I can figure out is
To get aged together with you, my heart,
Collecting every piece of happiness memory,
And to leave them to our days in arm-chairs.
The most romantic thing in my mind is
To get old together with you, my heart,
Toward the days our legs can no longer move.
And yet I will be remaining the attached treasure/love in your hands.