阡陌上,柳如煙,她長發如絲,羅裙逶迤。十二年了,他心裏曾幻畫過她女兒妝的模樣萬千次,卻沒有一次能及現在眼前她的半分美好。他忍不住輕輕拂開她頰邊一縷青絲,細細端詳, 不容錯過一寸玉顏。 這是他的木蘭,一個他深愛的奇女子,十二年來, 關山萬裏,生死相依的伴侶。 Walking down the narrow country road, which was flanked with the willows that started budding, she wore a long green skirt and she let her long hair down for the first time since she met him. For twelve years, at the bottom of his heart, he had secrectly pictured millions of times of her looks in the female makeup, but none of them could compare a bit favourably with the beauty now standing in front of him. He couldn't help stroking a strand of hair off her cheek, gazing at her without anything missing. She was his beloved Mulan - a girl as beautiful as the snow-white magnolia, as brave as the soaring eagle. For twelve years, thousands of miles, she was always his loyal companion through life and death,.
"我們一起走吧",他輕聲道,她很想,可是她不能,戰場上他曾大聲訓誡過她,“戴上將軍盔,你就不再屬於你自己” 。她咬牙應了他,束柔情於鐵甲。到如今, 脫了戎裝,竟發現他要給的這份情, 沉重的令她要不起,他也是深深知道的,那份責任已揉入骨血,他們注定要為這個國家犧牲到底的。可是放棄生命很容易,放棄最愛的她太難.... "Let's run away together, anywhere", he proposed gently. She had been yearned for that for many years with the excruciating pain, but she simply couldn't accept it. On the battlefield, he had castigated her , " Once in the general armor, you don't belong to yourself." She gritted her teeth and constrained all her feelings under the cold armor. Now the war was over, the armors were off, and then she finally realized that she couldn't even afford to accept that love he was ready to give. They had nowhere to run away. They had nowhere to avoid that heavy reponsibility. They were doomed to sacrifice not only their lives to their country but also their love. It was so easy to give up life, but so hard to give up her....
就這樣吧,擁她入懷,最後一次,放縱淚長流...... For the last time, holding her in the arms, let tears down beyond any restraint...
"忘了我吧",他輕歎. "Forget me, please", he sighed.
"你是我一生唯一不會忘記的人", 她悠悠道, "這十二年來,每天早上醒來,第一件事就是想起你,因為有你在,我才有勇氣把眼睛睜開,以後每一天我也會這樣……" "You are the only one I won't forget in my life", said she, " In the past twelve years, evey morning I woke up, the first thing came to my mind was you. Because of you, I had the courage to open my eyes. It will still be the same for the rest of my life...."
他轉身離去,她目送他遠去,陽關古道上,有多少女子揮手送別她們的情郎後,低頭掐算他們的歸期。隻有她知道他這一別就是永遠,從此蕭郎是路人。阡陌上,柳如煙,風吹過,如絲的柳絛和她的綠羅裙纏成一色,又是一年春將始...... He turned around and left without looking back. She, standing at the end of the country road, saw him off. How many women, after waving good-byes to their lovers, began to count down their return dates? Only she knew for sure that her one had bid farewell forever this time. The meandering country road was flanked with the willows that started budding. As the wind blowing, her green skirt got tangled with those long pliable branches of the same color. The spring fell upon again...
隻有她知道她的青春年華已不在,她愛的人也不能再回來. Only she knew that her youth was gone, so was the one she loved
聞過的花兒終會枯萎,花的味道卻會留在鼻間 愛過的人兒終會離去,愛的記憶卻會永鎖心頭 The flower you smelled will wither, while the aroma will still linger in your memory. The one you loved will leave, while his love will be locked in your heart forever.
她知道, 他是她一生唯一不會忘記的人 She knew that he would be the one she would never forget in her life.
有人說,離家太遠,就會忘記故鄉;殺人太多,就會忘記自己。在戰場上死去,生命像雨水落入大地,毫無痕跡。如果那時候你愛上了一個人,希望會從泥土中重新綻放,熱烈的擁抱生命 (這一句引自電影) Some say, travel too far and you'll forget your home; kill too much and you will forget yourself. When you die in your battlefield, your life sinks into the ground like rain without a trace. At that time, if you fall in love with someone, hope will blossom again from the earth and passionately embrace life ...