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Aftershcok The Movie In A Lonely Place Caused in Me 《蘭閨豔血》觀後感 After watching the movie "In A Lonely Place" last night, I wasn't able to fall into sleep hours after midnight. Dixon and Laurel's image was lingering in my mind so clearly and vividly that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't let go of it. The faces of Dixon Steele's and that of a real life friend of mine appeared in my brain in turn, and they became one identity every now and then. "In A Lonely Place" was directed by Nicholas Ray, with the leading roles played by Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame. The film is now considered a classic film noir, as evidenced by its inclusion on the Time magazine "All-Time 100 List" as well as Slant Magazine's 100 Essential Films. It is also in the preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."[1] However, it is not this film's fame that makes it so catching to me. It is the resemblance of art work and real life that does. Louise Brooks wrote in her essay "Humphrey and Bogey" that she felt it was the role of Dixon Steele in this movie that came closest to the real Bogart she knew. "Before inertia set in, he played one fascinatingly complex character, craftily directed by Nicholas Ray, in a film whose title perfectly defined Humphrey's own isolation among people. In a Lonely Place gave him a role that he could play with complexity because the film character's, the screenwriter's, pride in his art, his selfishness, his drunkenness, his lack of energy stabbed with lightning strokes of violence, were shared equally by the real Bogart."[1] The film "Casa Blanca" was the first Humphrey Bogart movie I ever watched. At the moment he appeared in the movie, he reminded me of my friend Tom. Not only their appearance resembles each other (at an elevation of 6 feet, Tom is a lot taller than Bogart though, according to wiki data), but more in the way they talk, shrug, and smile, as well as the way they appear angry and helpless. They shared the same smartness and the similar struggle. Tom was born in Beijing in an above everage family, went to his (and most Chinese people's) dream school for undergraduate study, came to the states and got a doctorate degree there. Whatever he does in class and at work, his work is always an art. But he can seldom stay in peace with people, and with the world. Tom has had quite a few girlfriends. Each time, he was so sincere and truely in love with them in the beginning. And the girls were so attracted by his capabilities at work, his infinite caring, and by his complete devotion, let alone the other personal attributes Tom possesses. But the good times usually didn't last longer than half to one year. Tom's unreasonableness showed up by then. Whoever and whatever appeared in his way, he just simply kicked it away like wiping a piece of mud in his face. And at such moments, no one is able to stop him, not even talk him into seeing the real situation. Tom was able to manage to marry a very nice, lovely and understanding girl who is a lot younger than him. But just like the relationship between Dix and Laurel in the movie, their marriage didn't last long. I worked with Tom for about a year, during which I did my best to help him with people and communication related issues, especially at work. I can imagine what his ex-wife has gone through, and learned that love can't overcome everything from their case. Recently, quite a few Wenxue City forums are discussing IQ, EQ, and prestigious schools. In general, being a genius only means more struggle and more toughness for the genius themselves and for their family and close ones. How many Mel's (Dixon's agent in the film) are there for so many geniuses with all kinds of deficiencies in the world? 電影《蘭閨豔血》是一部經曆住了時間考驗的好電影。影星Louise Brooks說這部電影的男主角Dixon Steele的個性跟演員本人非常接近。我觀看過這部片子後,久久難以入睡,是因為電影裏的這個人、這個故事,跟我生活中的一位朋友和他的經曆太相似了。 我的朋友阿湯長得很象演員Bogart,身高六尺。他出生在北京一個不錯的家庭,一路順風順水從好學校一直讀到了博士畢業。工作中,他所有的項目都做得又快又好,件件可稱藝術品。我會跟他成為朋友,並在跟他共事的一年多時間裏盡力幫他避免一些人事和溝通上的麻煩,也是出於對他才幹的珍惜。阿湯是我認識的人裏非常有限的我甘於承認比我聰明的人之一。 阿湯談過好幾場戀愛,每一次他都十分認真、十分投入。以他的各方麵條件,再加上他戀愛時的周到細心,女孩子們不動真心也難。可是每一場戀愛都很短命,長則一年半載,短則三兩個月,不是女孩兒悄悄撤退,就是阿湯拂繡而去。 阿湯最終還是設法結了一次婚,跟一個非常溫順善良的女孩子。但這場婚姻也沒得善果,最後還是以分手收了場。 天才們帶給世界的是藝術、是珍寶。可是做他們的親人朋友、上司同事,尤其是做他們的情人或配偶,卻並非一個“難”字可以概括!電影裏Dixon的經濟人Mel,才真的不是凡人啊。 附兩首以該片警句為背景的歌曲。

While You Loved Me
Rascal Flatts

If I ever write the story of my life
Don’t be suprised if you’re where it begins
Girl, I’d have to dedicate every line on every page
To the memories we made, while you loved me

I was born the day you kissed me
And I died inside the night you left me
But I lived, oh how I lived
While you loved me

I’d start with chapter one, love innocent and young
As the morning sun on a new day
Even though I know the end, Well I’d do it all again
‘Cause I got a lifetime in, while you loved me

I was born the day you kissed me
And I died inside the night you left me
But I lived, oh how I lived
While you loved me

i was born the day you kissed me And I died inside the night you left me
But I lived, oh how I lived
(I lived)
I was born the day you kissed me
(the day you kissed me baby)
And I died inside the night you left me
But I lived, oh how I lived
(I lived) While you loved me

In a Lonely Place by Smitheneens I heard it said somewhere that one day all good things come to an end. I turn around to see you. And if I do or not, it all depends. I was born the day I met you, Lived a while when you loved me, Died a little when we broke apart. Yesterday, it would have mattered. Now today, it doesn't mean a thing. All my hopes and dreams are shattered now. I'm in a lonely place without you. I'm in a lonely place without you. I walk the streets alone at night sometimes and think about you. I look as strangers pass, and wonder how I'll live without your love. I was born the day I met you, Lived a little when you loved me, Died a little when we broke apart. Suddenly, this world's no longer bright. I'm alone and lonely every night. Won't you bring back your love that's out of sight? I'm in a lonely place without you. I'm in a lonely place without you. [1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_a_Lonely_Place


Genius needs a mother-like person to guide him through life -englishreader- 給 englishreader 發送悄悄話 (857 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 16:09:16

I thought of the book and movie too. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (683 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 19:15:06

"being a genius only means more struggle & more toughness" -23731241- 給 23731241 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 16:33:11

That's why so many geniuses died prematurely. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 19:16:25

wow! your english is gorgeous! I admire u. I do! -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 18:03:14

Dear eagle, I appreciate you! -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (266 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 19:19:42

EQ is more important than IQ nowadays. -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (1129 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 19:51:50

Maybe you are right. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (117 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 20:00:04

but if he is a real Einstein, -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (211 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 20:15:48

meant to follow up with you, Grace:) -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 20:18:22

Nite. Take easy and take care, my dear. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 20:18:38

Poor Tom, my heart goes to him ...although he's lucky to some po -billnet- 給 billnet 發送悄悄話 billnet 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 20:54:37

Thanks, Bill. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (234 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 21:08:39

You will be fullfilled by satisfaction and achievement -billnet- 給 billnet 發送悄悄話 billnet 的博客首頁 (170 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 21:20:09

Thank you, Bill. I appreciate your kind and sincere words. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 21:23:56



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