Genius needs a mother-like person to guide him through life

來源: englishreader 2009-10-12 16:09:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (857 bytes)
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If you fully appreciate how a mother guides a son into maturity, you will know he needs a mother-like person to acoompany him through his life. Mother's love is fully selfless and demands no return. Mother can tolerate his son's eccentric behavior and find all good things from every tumble her son could make.

No one can change a genius's soical behavior, that is what a genius is: focused and dedicated to things he has a strong passion, and ignores all trifle things, that is what brings him so far. if you bring a genius into a life of ordinary people, he will lose all his confidence since he could not handle trifile things that ordinary people take these for granted.

There is a book "Beautiful Mind". Also, there is a movie from the book. It is a story of a true genius in science--John Nash.

Your writing is very touching.


I thought of the book and movie too. -amazing_grace- 給 amazing_grace 發送悄悄話 amazing_grace 的博客首頁 (683 bytes) () 10/12/2009 postreply 19:15:06



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