I thought of the book and movie too.

來源: amazing_grace 2009-10-12 19:15:06 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (683 bytes)
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回答: 歎千裏馬常有,伯樂不常有amazing_grace2009-10-12 15:17:10
I can hardly imagine what Nash's wife really has gone through. When people were talking about Nash's achievements at the time the movie was out, I cried for this extraordinary lady for her unbelievable endurance and deep love to Nash, as well as to this world. To different degrees, we all owe Alicia Nash for saving John for us.

I myself may not qualify to be called a genius. But I have gone through the transformation from a near-genius to an ordinary person, and this process probably is still going on. This fact may explain why I was so emotional while watching both movies and when writing the earlier essay.

Thank you for your comments. It is so soothing.


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