【沁園春 雪】英譯 戰士”彎弓射大雕“ V.09 版

【沁園春 雪】英譯 應飛鷹呼叫:戰士”彎弓射大雕“ V.09 版


主席的詩,世人稱為 ”毛澤東詩“, 小戰士是十分敬佩的。就像他的書法,風格獨特,別具一格,據說大陸有人收藏。我感謝李唐尋得這首氣勢磅礴的詩的 手跡。這一代是革命者,戰爭年代,不比現在坐在電腦前那樣悠閑。也是他的詩裏有些硝煙的味道,和戰爭的慘烈。這點許多人可以想到:前有截兵,後有追軍,四度赤水,雪山草地,茫茫大地,均能入詩,著眼點是不同的。

然而,有人考證,毛澤東的詩,有些為”高人“所作” 最後,由毛澤東 點龍畫睛,圈點填字。

詩,作為文學之精髓,是否可以與 政治剝離一下?這使我想到,蔣中正先生是否作詩?小戰士也不知道。估計也水準也不低。

有趣的是:知道東方島國日本的詩人評論是啥想法? 還有 世界級詩人” 泰戈爾 之印度的尼赫魯先生是否也有和詩作呢?

本版譯文,參考了 宋德利君,親傳的原文-白話通俗化-詩歌韻律提煉法 譯出。

Before we end this:



黑色粗體為新譯文便於比較修改,出更新譯文. 這裏是小戰士馬背譯文 "彎弓射大雕“ 版 v.09


2009, 二月初春,應飛鷹呼叫,文學城

漢詞英譯 毛澤東 詩詞 SNOW -《沁園春8226;雪》

The landscapes up the north,
Are icebound, snow flies,
In thousands and thousands of miles.
Look north, only ice, snow, n gellaxy
dead n' still, freeze n sealed
still miles in thousands and thousands.

望長城內外,惟餘莽莽; 大河上下,頓失滔滔。
Look, by Great Wall's both sides, there is,
Only the boundless whiteness.

The Yellow River, up and down,
Had its torrents suddenly gone.

Look both, two sides, in and out
from the wall mighty, swells
high in waves tides
boundless in whiteness,
lost at edge of globe, river Yellow ends.

When mountains dance, snakes,
When the land waves, looks like a heard of elephants,
as if in the heaven's palace. Hurray! in battles !

Mountains dance as silver serpents,
Highlands run like wax elephants,
Trying to be as high as heavens.

It should be on a sunny day,
To watch the white dressed in glowing rays,
It is enchanting in a peculiar way.
Shouldn't it be a sunny winter day
of amour wrapped cloths,
in red and white
unique n peculiar, the way it is.

How charming was the Empire,
A myriad of heroes had bowed to admire.
No doubts those Kings and warriors
hungered and it they die
beauties admired and scenes in mystery, n territory
that's all, the Because,

惜秦皇漢武,略輸文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍遜風騷。

Pity Qin's First and Han's Wu emperors, 
With a slight lack of grace in literature,
Tang's Taizong and Song's founder,
With literary talent a little inferior.
Hunted from Qin, Han,
Traced down to Song, even Dang,
What they're lack of
Only, was the elegance or poetry, in sufficient?

Genghis Khan, the Northern tribe ruler,
And the pride in the era,
Only knew flexing his bow and shot down vultures.
Tribe conquers n' bows heavy,
All the pride of the times
as birds fly high n' light, in the air n' shot to die

All of them had passed away,
Of the remarkable people to enumerate,
We have to look at today.
Time never lies, as
though heroes die,
history turns no people's eye
History, n Today, Only the way, true or no lie


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