每年秋季學期有一門研究生的網課,其中的一個作業是讓學生選自己喜歡的題目用Prezi做一個小Presentation. 大部分的學生是在職中小學老師。所以他們的作業題目和自己任教的課程有關。我邊看作業,邊學習。下麵是一位老師給五年級學生推薦的Read aloud的書:
A long walk to water. Read aloud.
Tuck everlastin
Out of my mind
Make you feel a wide range of emotions.
The tale of desperoux
下麵是另外一位老師講 What is a rhyming words?
Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same ending sounds.
Can words that are spelled different at the end still rhyme? Yes.
Do all the words spell the same at the end rhyme? No.
Not all words that end with the same spelling sound the same.
A good way to get familiar with rhyming words is by listening to nursery rhymes. Nursery hymes are fun stories that have rhyming words at the ends.
第三位老師講 Verbal irony/Sarcasm?
When a speaker says the opposite of what he means, it is verbal irony. When he took a further step to make it funny, that is sarcasm.
Verbal Irony: 反諷
a writer, speaker, or character says soemthing that deliberately contradicts what that person actually means.
Verbal irony would be used to joke around with a friend.
Pokes fun but isn't suppossed to be mean or hurtful.
Sarcasm 諷刺: The use of irony to mock or show contemptl for soemone or something.
第四位老師以Figurative Language Tree 做為主題講各類比喻語言也可以翻譯成象征語言包括六種類型
Simile 類比
Metaphor 比喻
Alliteration 頭韻 Google 翻譯
Hyperbole 誇張
Onomatopoeia 擬聲
Personification 擬人