- Dirty work - 大家都不願意的工作,吃力不討好的苦差事,沒回報又不光鮮的工作。
Stop filing and get one of the interns to do that dirty work
- Busywork – 耗時間又無成效的瑣碎事情 work that keeps a person busy but has little or no actual value in itself.
We have to put in an eight-hour day, even if we do nothing but busy-work.
- talk shop – (informal) talk about business out of business hour, discuss work when not at work, especially in a way that other people find boring(在工作時間外)談論自己的工作;搞得旁邊的人很煩
- hold (keep) one’s end up/ hold up one’s end – perform your part adequately; 負起你那份責任, 做好你分內的事
The work is demanding, but he's able to hold his end up.