For example, numbers are assigned to letters as follows:
- 1 = a, j, s
- 2 = b, k, t,
- 3 = c, l, u,
- 4 = d, m, v,
- 5 = e, n, w,
- 6 = f, o, x,
- 7 = g, p, y,
- 8 = h, q, z,
- 9 = i, r,
it is not a dead formular, but a reference suits in many cases.
society oiey=27 > ou 9 in group, accordingly, 社會 huei uei=17 大於 ua4 in 社團 tuan,因社團隻是社會的部分.
body > organ, o6y7> o6a1 身體 > 器官.
我們看到 ua in 團 tuan,官 guan-- 價小, 暗示其少, 官 ua4 比民 i9 people 少.
See the strokes in 身體 29 > 器官 24. In many cases, the values correspond to letters combination, order and characters. Wish someone could help to make a vivid video to spread this breakthrough discovery. Be noted that there is a little more than those numbers assigned, for not being stressed.