dinghy: d4, i9, n5, g7,h8, y7 > ship: s1, h8, i9 p7
1 = a, j, s
2 = b, k, t,
3 = c, l, u,
4 = d, m, v,
5 = e, n, w,
6 = f, o, x,
7 = g, p, y,
8 = h, q, z,
9 = i, r,
dinghy: d4, i9, n5, g7,h8, y7 > ship: s1, h8, i9 p7
1 = a, j, s
2 = b, k, t,
3 = c, l, u,
4 = d, m, v,
5 = e, n, w,
6 = f, o, x,
7 = g, p, y,
8 = h, q, z,
9 = i, r,
d4 < sh9 概其大略,不包攬一切 Generally, not take on everything
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03/03/2016 postreply
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03/04/2016 postreply
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