she said it is an unnecessary detail because there is no further explanation of it in the rest of the novel. And I think maybe that detail which reflects a bit of the reality of that era has nothing to do with that particular plot or the theme of the novel.After all it is not a playwriting in which the skin colors of characters have to be clarified clearly. 畢竟與主題和故事情節無關。
I agree with her.that details sounds grotesque
my 1.5cents only,welcome to throw me back with American dollars
(203 bytes)
10/06/2012 postreply
I am a poor scholar, destitute of a dollar
(101 bytes)
10/06/2012 postreply
ahem...there is a tickle in my throat...
(232 bytes)
10/06/2012 postreply
If Fitzgerald were alive and writing the novel today
(436 bytes)
10/06/2012 postreply
TO BE HONEST,this is the second English book that I could read
(1805 bytes)
10/06/2012 postreply