對的校長。再看pull something out of thin air 和fine health所指

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fine health--well-being, welfare, wealth 等等 

pull something out of thin air。按照字麵意思就是從稀薄的空氣裏抽取什麽東西http://www.freexinwen.com/chinese/eng/wi/lesson320.asp   那時對於bond證券這個概念很多人認為是虛無縹緲的東西。但文章提到 “I” 對搞證券是能手。

1. Lit. [for a magician] to make something, such as a live rabbit, seem to appear by pulling it out of a top hat or out of the air. He pulled a rabbit out of a hat and then pulled a chicken out of thin air.
2. Fig. to produce something seemingly out of nowhere. Where am I going to get the money? I can't just pull it out of a hat! I don't know where she found the book. She pulled it out of thin air, I guess.