選段。 不明白 no shit如何翻,各位老師請指教!
1) I said to Anthony, "Your father was a very charismatic man, and very persuasive," Plus, he was screwing my wife so he could get to me through her, though I didn't know that at the time. And I don't think Susan knew that, either. She probably thought that Frank was interested only in her. In fact, Frank was partly motivated by the convenience of pillow talk with his attorney's wife, not to mention the thrill of screwing an uppity society *****. 我跟安東尼說:“你父親是很有魅力的一個人,非常有說服力,”加上此人與我老婆通過奸,並通過她來認識我,盡管我當時並不知情。我不認為蘇珊(我老婆)當時也知道這事。她很可能認為法蘭克僅僅情迷於她而已。 (事實上法蘭克某程度上是出於能與他代表律師的妻子枕邊話的方便動機,)更勿論與這個傲慢自大的名流蕩婦苟且帶來的刺激。
2)I informed him, "I took eight years of Latin, and I could read Cicero, Seneca, and Ovid in classical Latin." 我對他說“我花了8年時間學習拉丁語,我能讀懂西塞羅語,塞涅卡語,和古拉丁奧維語。”
"no shit?""當真?"
3) "Then, in my senior year of college, I got hit in the head with a ba*****all, and now I can read only Italian" “然後我在大學高年班的時候被棒球擊中了腦門,現在隻能讀懂意大利語了”
4)I wonder if she (my mother) ever understood the irony of her calling me a son of a ***** 我不知道她(我媽)是否明白她管我叫狗娘養的/狗崽子的諷刺意味。
5)One should never arrive empty-handed when paying visit, of course, but I never know what to bring except for wine, and that wouldn't be appropriate for this occasion; likewise, flowers might seem premature. 當然,去探訪時不能兩手空空吧,但除了酒我真不知道該帶點什麽了,而且酒不適合這個場合吧(作者要去探望的是一個垂死病人,作者老家仆),同樣,帶鮮花未免為時過早。
6)He was talking on his cell phone, holding it in his left hand, so that his right hand was free to nibble fried wontons or pull his gun. 他此刻正用左手托著手機講電話,這樣他可以騰出右手來抓炸餛飩吃,或,拔槍。