顧貞觀 金縷曲(一) 賞析/翻譯

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   《金縷曲》訶起第一句“季子平安否”,季子你平安麽,這是作者(顧貞觀)對朋友的問候,但卻不是一般的淺淺之問,五個字裏實在包含了太多的思念與關切,太多的焦慮與摯情。 “便歸來,平生萬事,那堪回首?”即使你回來,這一生的坎坷與傷痛又怎堪回首。這“萬事”,實難數盡,下麵的詞句就是這難以堪的“萬事”中的大概方麵。
  季子平安否The burial song begins from the first sentence :“Are you all right out there? Are you safe or not?”, which is how the author (Gu, Zhenguan) greeted his friend in the letter, but it is not a generally shallow greeting, these five characters actually contains too more thoughts and concerns, too much anxiety and deep feelings. “便歸來 平生萬事 那堪回首 "Will you return to life? Everything is not worth looking back on?" Even if you come back, how can the frustrations and pain of your life be worth looking back on? "Everything is real and so many things are hard to explain in details, which make you feel difficult to look back on.
   “行路悠悠誰慰藉,母老家貧子幼。”關山萬裏,路途遙遙,誰來安慰與援助你呢?而且你家中母老子幼,叉窮困潦倒。寥寥幾句,使人讀來心酸。“記不起.從前杯酒。”從前詩酒相歡的朋友早已煙消難憶。 “魑魅搏人應見慣,總輸他覆雨翻雲手。…‘魑魅”,傳說中的山澤鬼怪。吳漢槎被流放寧古塔,或許出於同輩的陷害,故有此言。逮句是說吳漢槎被魑魅魍魎的小人誣陷,無處伸冤,隻能歎一聲“應見慣”,哀一聲“總輸他”。
  “行路悠悠誰慰藉 母老家貧子幼”Being far away from home with no one comforting you while your aged mother and young children are living in poverty back home. With only a handful of words, readers might be influenced to feel sad. “記不起 從前杯酒”I Cannot remember the scene of drinking wine with you. It is hard to recall the situation having fun drinking with friends long time ago. You should be accustomed to seeing that good people are always being set up by bad people, and good men are always defeated by demons because they are not evil enough. “魑魅” Demons are ghosts in legend. Wu, Han Cha was exiled to Ninggu tower, perhaps he had been fixed up by his peers, and thus, the statement was made. Wu, Han Cha was framed up by demons and monsters, those bad guys and he had no way to seek redress for unfair treatment but only sighed: " I should be used to seeing things happened like this" , and mourned: "I ‘ve lost”.
   《金縷曲》上片表達的都是作者(顧貞觀)對朋友的至深的關切和同情。下片是深情的安慰。 “淚痕奠滴牛衣透。數天涯,依然骨肉,幾家能夠?”牛衣在這裏指粗衣野服。傷心之至,淚滴牛衣,但不可浸透,不要太消沉絕望,還要想開些。天涯處像吳漢槎這樣流放邊荒的人還有很多,但他畢竟還是全家骨肉團聚在一處,這也算是很難得的,還算是不幸中的大幸。此二句是勸說吳漢槎不要太難受,在無奈境地還要自我寬慰。 “比似紅顏多命薄,更不如今還有。”這就好比紅頗多是命薄,好人總是磨難一樣,紅顏薄命,自古而然,不僅是今日有此事。這也是一種勸說朋友要學著在不平中尋找平衡的寬心話。
   “冰與雪,周旋久。” in Ninggu town, you have been dealing with snow and ice in the frozen and snow-covered land for a very long time. In the first part of the burial song , the poet, Gu, Zhenguan, in the first part of the poem, expresses of his deep concerns and sympathy to his friend, and the offer of his affectionate condolence. In the second part “淚痕奠滴牛衣透。數天涯,依然骨肉,幾家能夠?” Cattle clothes here refers to shabby clothes. Being broken hearted beyond comforting. You can shed your tears on your shabby clothes but please don’t make them soaked. Please don’t indulge yourself in so much depression and despair, and you should take it easy. Why do I say so? Because from afar, there are many people like you being exiled out there. After all, the fortunate thing is your family is still having united together. How many families still can do that? These two lines are to persuade Wu,Han Cha to overcome sadness, asking him to be optimistic and get self-help, although he is in a helpless situation . “比似紅顏多命薄,更不如今還有。” this is like many beautiful women who would end up having a bad fate. Today, there are even more people in the similar situation as yours. Unfortunately, since ancient times, good guys have been always suffering. It is not just happening today. These are comfort words of the poet to persuade his friend, asking him to learn how to get it balanced in a misfortune.
   “隻絕塞,苦寒難受”Although the poet is offering condolence to his friend, thinking of that, in a far frontier wasteland , in a cold and unbearable environment, his friend is suffering himself serving a sentence out there, his heart is bleeding. Thinking of saving his friend from a miserable life there reminds him of the promise that he made 20 years ago, that he promised to rescue him no matter what happens. “廿載包胥承一諾,盼烏頭、馬角終相救。” Here, two anecdotes are used. In the Spring and Autumn period, in order to avoid getting killed , the Minister Wu of the country of Chu escaped to the country of Wu, he said to Sheng: “I will have to recover the country of Chu” Sheng said: “I will keep existing” , thereafter, minister Wu led troops of the country Wu and he captured the capital of country Chu. Sheng seeked help from the counry Qin and he had himself a good cry before the court of the county Qin, for seven days and nights. Finally, the country Qin was moved and decided to send troops to save the country Chu. The poet is using a metonymy metaphor in this line, to express that Sheng is his role model. Just like Sheng to fulfill his oath of guarding his country, the poet was determined to keep up his words upon the “final rescue” oath.
  “盼烏頭、馬角終相救”refers to the expectation of a miracle to be appeared, thus the poet can save his friend back. The Prince Dan of the country Yan was held hostage by the country Qin, looking for help and the king of Qin said: “when the crows turn white and the horses stick horns out of their heads I will rescue you. It is a metaphor used to express the impossibility of achieving things. Although facing many difficulties, the poet is determined to save his friend and bring him back home. The word “expect” shows how much the poet has longed for the miracle that his friend can be rescued soon. The poet promises again in this poem that he will rescue his friend at any cost. The poet has been struggling for 17 years now to help save his friend. Though all of his efforts have gone vein, he never get dispirited and never give up. He thinks he can save his friend as Sheng who could save his own country. Given half a chance he would save his friend from his suffering. From this line: “廿載包胥承一諾•盼烏頭馬角終相救。” we can see that the poet has sworn to save his friend when his friend was sentenced, and he considered that saving his friend would be his lifelong mission , and the time limit would be 20 years. There is no leeway.
   “置此劄,君懷袖”,是化用古詩中的句子:“置君懷袖中,三歲字不滅。”意思是,你把連寫著誓言的信收入懷袖之中讓誓言的字跡不會磨滅,等著看吧,我一定要做到我說的。想想吳季子何其不幸,平白遭冤,顛沛塞外,欲活不能,欲死不能;然而吳季子又何其大幸,平生得知己如此,雖重案在身,身處絕境,卻時時在朋友的惦念與關懷之中。這不容置疑的“置此劄,君懷柚”,念及便令人熱淚潸然。 全詞的以書信體的語氣借用詞的形式來表達自己對朋友的思念。在藝術手法上,如話家常,宛轉反複,心跡如見。一字一句,真摯感人。雖普通而又穩重,平凡而又感人。 “置此劄,君懷袖” is cited from a line of an ancient poem” 置君懷袖中,三歲字不滅。” This means, please hide this letter with your oath into your sleeve, so in this way the oath won’t wear down. I will wait and see and I will have to do what I said. Take a think of Wu, jizi, how unlucky he is: Being treated unjustly, in a hardship in the north of the Great Wall, living between a rock and a hard place. However, Wu,jizi is very fortunate, he has a true friend who is always being by his side no matter what. Although he has involved himself in a serious case; although he is desperate, his friends has always missed him and cared about him. There is no doubt that “置此劄,君懷柚” is an emotional line that can get the reader to shed tears. The intonation of the whole poem is like writing a letter to a friend, expressing the poet’s deeply thoughts of his friend. For the artistic techniques, the poet as if he is talking about family stuff, reverberating repeatedly. Every word of the poem has been done sincerely and poignantly. The whole work is common and steady.


真有水平,佩服你,謝謝你的賞析和翻譯。 -斕婷- 給 斕婷 發送悄悄話 斕婷 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 17:36:14

回複:真有水平,佩服你,謝謝你的賞析和翻譯。 -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 (249 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 17:45:36

回複:回複:真有水平,佩服你,謝謝你的賞析和翻譯。 -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 (29 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 17:46:35

牛。 You are a prolific writer. -jingbeiboy- 給 jingbeiboy 發送悄悄話 jingbeiboy 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 19:40:08

謝謝! :) -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 (113 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 20:54:26

中英文皆牛! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 20:51:16

回複:中英文皆牛! -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 (116 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 21:00:09

回複:回複:中英文皆牛! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (108 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 21:48:11

翻譯不錯,僅提幾點小建議供參考: -小源- 給 小源 發送悄悄話 小源 的博客首頁 (4413 bytes) () 03/05/2012 postreply 23:58:27

回複:翻譯不錯,僅提幾點小建議供參考: -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 (936 bytes) () 03/06/2012 postreply 03:15:53

哦,有可能是的,我問問哈 :)) -小源- 給 小源 發送悄悄話 小源 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2012 postreply 09:22:10

有這幾種用法: -小源- 給 小源 發送悄悄話 小源 的博客首頁 (270 bytes) () 03/07/2012 postreply 14:53:57

thank you 小源! -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 sportwoman 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2012 postreply 17:53:19
