我們練翻譯是為了更好地appreciate原文,更好地學習英文互相幫助,不是為了show off,也不會拿了別人的翻譯說是自己的, 您奉上的四首中譯英唐詩四首怎麽這麽巧合地出現在了下麵這幾處呢?
Hey! Don't underestimate our ability to Google. What did you do wrong? You lied. How can we believe that you've memorized the whole book of Living History? Who do you think you are to "score" us who honestly translated the passage without looking at the original?
春 曉
Chūn xiăo
作 者:孟浩然
Zuò zhĕ: Mèng Hàorán.
春 眠 不 覺 曉,
Chūn mián bù jué xiăo,
處 處 聞 啼 鳥。
Chù chù wén tí niăo.
夜 來 風 雨 聲,
Yè lái fēng yŭ shēng,
花 落 知 多 少。
Huā luò zhī duō shăo.
生詞(shēngcí) Vocabulary:
1.眠(mián): n sleeping
2.春曉(chūnxiăo): n the morning in spring; "曉" means dawn.
3.不覺(bùjué): v not aware of…
4.聞啼鳥(wén tí niăo): v hearing the voice of the birds; "聞" means hearing.
English translation:
A Spring Morning
Meng Haoran
I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,
Everywhere round me the singing of birds.
But now I remember the night, the storm,
And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.
Author Brief
Meng Haoran (689~740), a famous poem in the climax of Tang Dynasty, was good at writing pastoral poems.
A Song of the Palace.
Her tears are spent, but no dreams come.
She can hear the others singing through the night.
She has lost his love. Alone with her beauty,
She leans till dawn on her incense-pillow.
Create Date : Thursday, January 01, 2004
Chu-i Po
怨情 2
[李白] 美人卷珠簾,深坐蹙蛾眉。 但見淚痕濕,不知心恨誰 (Li Bai or Li Po 701-762)
How beautiful she looks, opening the pearly casement,
And how quiet she leans, and how troubled her brow is!
You may see the tears now, bright on her cheek,
But not the man she so bitterly loves.
So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed --
Could there have been a frost already?
Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight.
Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.
(Tr. Witter Byner, 1920, from "300 Tang Poems")