BETTER LATE THAN NEVER,哈哈。話說這人都是有著好逸惡勞的天性。上次交完第九課,看大夥也不著急,我也歇歇。這一懈怠不要緊,由最早到最晚。別說背了,讀了兩遍就匆忙上陣。從第十一課再轉入正軌吧,我周日練,周末交作業。
Lesson 10 Travelling
Basic Patterns
136. Why can’t I get return tickets for the train?
137. I’ve already booked our flight for next month.
138. My wallet was stolen in Mexico.
139. I need to get a new passport.
140. Do you speak English?
141. He packed too much for this trip.
142. Do you know the way to the airport?
143. I have some great pictures from my trip to Egypt.
144. I don’t think they have any more tickets for this bus.
145. It’s not safe to go to that country right now.
146. Are you a tourist here in France?
147. France is known all over the world for its food. Have you tried any?
148. How long will you be visiting France?
149. You cannot visit France without seeing its most famous city.
150. I hope you enjoy your stay.