A. 刑事訴訟程序
1. Depends on where you are, sometimes the accused can pay a fixed priced bail bond and get himself out, in some other places, the accused have to wait for a bail hearing before the judge, usually within 24 hours during weekdays.
After paying the bail bond (保釋金), the accused is out on the street while "waiting for trial" (候審).
Again, depend on the locality, there will be a few court hearings in the future
2. arraingment, (being informed of the charge and provide lawyer if the accused couldn't afford one) (提審,向被告宣讀指控,被告可以要求律師代理)
3. pre-trial hearing, (defendant's lawyer and district attorney discusses trial date and other matters) (庭審前的準備)
4. trial. (庭審並決定有罪無罪)。
B. 案件證據分析
所以,建議找criminal lawyer為男方辯護。這個案件,由於有第三方證據和傷口物證,比較可能的結果是男方認罪,community service, 以換取不服刑。
C. 女方的態度
所以從這個角度,還是建議找criminal lawyer幫忙。