老板看我不順已有一段時間,這次因為H1B extension 給了他一個機會。
我的綠卡申請因為配額問題已pending三年了,因此我有EAD,但是我更傾向extend my H1B.幾個月前告知老板和大老板想extend H1B,聽公司指定律師講,一切都在進行中。可突然HR scheduled a meeting,告知我們部門不renew my H1B and my last day will be Oct 31, which is the end of our fiscal year. 我告訴HR, 那就算了,我用EAD 好了。她說會告訴我老板的。
事隔兩星期,老板通知 my employment will be terminated by the end of this Oct because he doesn't think I will fit in the new strategy. He said this is not layoff, so there won't be any layoff package and this is not performance related as my performance reviews in the past five years have been well above expectations.He didn't tell me details about what the new stratedy will be and refused to give me a chance to try. (I know basically he let me go just because he doesn't like me.)
He gave me two options.1) Look for the job in the next two months and he will give me reference. 2) If I don't accept option 1), I will be given the hard deadline, which is Oct 31 as well. I will talk to our group head and HR respectively on Monday.