跟貼講的對我的方法隻是治了血糖,並沒有治好糖尿病。 請注意我用的是逆轉(reverse),不是治愈(cure)。 目前糖尿病還是不能治愈的,有stem cell 的治愈研究,希望能成。 二十年前誰想過HIV可以克服? 現在已經實現。
先說原理,俺本來不想說大家去看去聽自己悟, 俺又不是專家。 anyway,KETO 吃法是 70% fat (油), 25% protein (肉,蛋), 5% carb(碳水化合物). I will switch to type in English because my chinese typing is too painfully slow. type II diabetes are due to insulin sensitivity due to prolonged excessive carb intake. because other part of body are insensitive to the insilin, that force the pancrease to work extra hard to pump more insilin, the various drug also squeez the pancrease to work even harder, the end result is pancrease will just give up. Keto is scientifically design to bypass this problem. As you can see from the attached chart, when intake carb, the body will spike the insilin to deal with the carb, protein will also demand insulin but more moderate and delayed, but when eat fat, body almost does not need insulin to respond.
Another reason to do Keto is this diet is so low in Carbohydrate that it force the body to use Ketone as fuel instead of carbohydrate, and if body is in this mode, when there is not enough fat intake, the body will utilize the stored fat, thus Keto is very good for people who want to lose weight.
The prolonged keto force the body not to produce that much insilin thus give the pancrea time to 休養生息。 there are cases that after 12 to 18 month of Keto, some people will recover some pancreas function thus be able to eat somewhat more carb, but this is still not a cure.
The above is only an very over simplified way to describe Keto. 多看多聽。如有需要請谘詢醫生。
Some here ask about the intermittent fasting, the reason is the same, I eat two meals lunce at 1~2, and dinner at 7:00. after dinner no food, no snack, only tea and water will the next day lunch. This also let body not to produce insilin and give pancreas a break. this will also force the body in low sugar mode thus good for blood glucose and A1C.
As for safty, the VIRTA health in US has five years of documented and published/peer reviewed safty and effective data. Very impressive, Norwood health in English has data for eight years. Beyond that, Keto diet is being used for more than 100 years for other illness. Some people say that body need some glucose, that is correct. But the human body is very intelligent, when there is not enough glucose intake the body/liver will produce glucose from stored fat through the gluconeogenesis process. for example, the eskimo indian who live in Arctic year round live on fish and animal products, no carb what so ever. They live normal health lives.
there are much more similar examples .....
想在此將我最近兩個月的體驗分享一下,作為回饋。 純娛樂如想嚐試請千萬跟自己醫生討論再進行。
本人糖尿病十五年A1C最高去到11.5. 兩個月前還是7.5. 體重 179 lbs.用藥 metformin 2000, Jardiance 25mg. 經過大量閱讀和聽專家報告, 於兩個月前決定嚐試 intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet(一日兩餐) to reverse diabetes and lose some weight. 堅持了兩個月, 昨天體檢報告出來了。 體重 179 lbs -> 157 lbs. A1C 7.5 -> 5.9, triglycerides 149 -> 68 waist 34 -> 31. 我已於一個月前停用Lipito人和 JARDIANCE。 metformin cut to 1000 mg. 我打算不停用最後的metformin, 因為此藥很安全而且已證明可以抗癌和抗衰老功效。
I am extremely happy with the result. I will continue this for one year。 我的終極目標是 A1C below 5, weight below150, waist 30“。 另外想說,糖尿病不是不治之症, 相信科學遠離所謂中 ”醫“