日本旅行史,症狀如此明顯,測了flu, 沒有。但新冠,隻要沒有life threatening symptoms, CDC就不給測,打發回家, 行動自由。CDC這樣不作為,會不會引起大爆發。等出現了life threatening symptoms 時,豈不是too late? 病人已病入膏肓,難以挽救。而且之前帶毒已經不知傳柒了多少人?華盛頓州死亡的那一例,死了之後測試結果才岀來。CDC拒絕做。
“On arriving back to America (3 days ago), I developed a 102F fever, coughing, and aches. I went to a local hospital in Brooklyn's ER. I informed them of my travel, they provided me a mask, and redirected me to a private room and followed infection protocols (full face covers, gloves, aprons, etc.). I had a chest x-ray and testing for flu/cold/pneumonia/and about 25 other viruses. They all came back negative.
At this point, the hospital called the CDC requesting permission to perform the COVID-19 testing. The CDC denied the request on the ground that I did not have the most life-threatening symptoms: chest pain and shortness of breath. According to everything I read it's very likely not to have these symptoms if you're in your 30's and relatively healthy.
And... that was that. They discharged me, said I don't have Corona virus, since they didn't test me for it, and said I can ride the subway, return to work, do whatever I want.
Of course my doctor disagreed. She said I should treat myself as if I am infected. "