生活中的變化(一) Life-Changing Event(1) |
變化帶來的壓力單位 Life Change Unit |
健康狀況Health |
因傷臥床一周及以上,或是住院 An injury or illness that: kept you in bed a week or more or sent you to the hospital |
74 |
比上述狀況輕一些 Was less serious than above |
44 |
補牙等相關活動 Major dental work |
26 |
飲食習慣的改變 Major change in eating habits |
27 |
睡眠習慣的改變 Major change in sleeping habits |
26 |
娛樂消遣活動的變化 Major change in your usual type and/or amount of recreation |
28 |
生活中的變化(二) Life-Changing Event(2) |
變化帶來的壓力單位 Life Change Unit |
和工作相關的Work |
新工作 Change to a new type of work |
51 |
工作時間的變化 Change in your work hours or conditions |
35 |
工作職責的變化:更多責任 Change in your responsibilities at work: More responsibilities |
29 |
:更少責任 Fewer responsibilities |
21 |
:升遷 Promotion |
31 |
:降職 Demotion |
42 |
:調遣 Transfer |
32 |
工作中的麻煩:和老板的麻煩 Troubles at work: With your boss |
29 |
:和同事的麻煩 With co-worker |
35 |
:和自己屬下的麻煩 With persons under your supervision |
35 |
其它工作煩惱 Other work troubles |
28 |
主營業務調整 Major business adjustment |
60 |
退休: Retirement |
52 |
失去工作:被裁員 Loss of job: Laid off from work |
68 |
:被解雇 Fired from work |
79 |
幫助你改進工作的課程 Correspondence course help you in your work |
18 |
生活中的變化(三) Life-Changing Event(3) |
變化帶來的壓力單位 Life Change Unit |
家人Home and Family |
居住條件的改變 Major change in living conditions |
42 |
居住環境的改變:同城搬遷 Change in residence: Move within the same town or city |
25 |
:異城或州的搬遷 Move to a different town, city or state |
47 |
家庭成員在一起的時間的變化 Change in family get-togethers |
25 |
家庭成員健康或行為狀況大的變化 Major change in health or behavior of family member |
55 |
結婚 Marriage |
50 |
懷孕 Pregnancy |
67 |
流產 Miscarriage or abortion |
65 |
增添新成員:新生寶寶 Gain of a new family member: Birth of a child |
66 |
:領養孩子 Adoption of a child |
65 |
:親戚搬來同住 A relative moving in with you |
59 |
伴侶開始或者結束工作 Spouse beginning or ending work |
46 |
孩子離家:去上大學 Child leaving home: To attend college |
41 |
:孩子結婚 Due to marriage |
41 |
:其他原因 For other reasons |
45 |
和配偶有爭執糾紛 Change in arguments with spouse |
50 |
姻親之間的問題 In-law problems |
38 |
你父母婚姻狀況的變化:離婚 Change in the marital status of your parents: Divorce |
59 |
:再婚 Remarriage |
50 |
和配偶的分離:由於工作關係 Separation from spouse: Due to work |
53 |
:由於婚姻出現狀況 Due to martial problems |
76 |
:離婚 Divorce |
96 |
孫子的出生 Birth of grandchild |
43 |
配偶死亡 Death of spouse |
119 |
家庭成員死亡: 孩子的死亡 Death of other family member: Child |
123 |
兄弟姐妹的死亡 Brother or sister |
102 |
父母的死亡 Parent |
100 |
生活中的變化(四) Life-Changing Event(4) |
變化帶來的壓力單位 Life Change Unit |
個人和社交方麵的變化 Personal and social |
個人習慣的變化 Change in personal habits |
26 |
上學或者畢業 Beginning or ending of school or college |
38 |
換一所學校或者上大學 Change of school or college |
35 |
政治觀點的變化 Change in political beliefs |
24 |
宗教信仰的變化 Change in religious beliefs |
29 |
社會活動的變化 Change in social activities |
27 |
度假 Vacation |
24 |
新的親密關係 New close personal relationship |
37 |
訂婚或者結婚 Engagement to marry |
45 |
男女朋友問題 Girlfriend of boyfriend problems |
39 |
性別變化 Sexual differences |
44 |
從一段親密關係中出來 “Falling out” of a close personal relationship |
47 |
事故 An accident |
48 |
輕度違法 Minor violation of the law |
20 |
坐牢 Being held in jail |
75 |
好朋友去世 Death of a close friend |
70 |
事關未來的決定 Major decision regarding your immediate future |
51 |
個人成就 Major personal achievement |
36 |
生活中的變化(五) Life-Changing Event(5) |
變化帶來的壓力單位 Life Change Unit |
財務狀況 Financial |
財務狀況大的變化: Major change in finances: Increase in income |
38 |
收入減少 Decrease in income |
60 |
投資困難 Investment and/or credit difficulties |
56 |
個人財產損失 Loss or damage of personal property |
43 |
中度消費 Moderate purchase |
20 |
大件消費 Major purchase |
37 |
貸款 Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan |
58 |
Miller, M. A. & Rahe, R. H. (1997). Life changes scaling for the 1990s. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 43(3)
我的微信公眾號: 家庭心理健康