agreements to give up my claim to end products derived from my tissue - cancer cell lines. Harvard/ MGH already raised a cell line from my tissue and has sole right to that property, but not the tumors I donated, based on my understanding.
這些取得的組織樣本就不再是病人的“財產”,而是醫療科研機構的“財產”。這種做法主要是鼓勵科研單位的創新:如果因為某個病人的標本而開發出某項科研產品,病人是沒有權利“分贓”的。 - Dr Wolf is accurate on this
I donated tumor tissues to Harvard/ MGH and UCH Denver, and sign
• 謝謝回複,所以我覺得可能存在一定程度上的誤解。 -惡俗老狼- ♂ (347 bytes) () 06/06/2015 postreply 08:03:53