但當你看了一個有20-30%治愈可能的病人,治還是不治?The odd is not good, 那個Hubis莫非讓病人放棄?那麽30-40%可能性呢,odd is still low, should we give up? How about 10%?
“It’s often too expensive, and the most privileged are getting far better care than people with lower income, minorities, people who live away from big cities and the elderly. And most cancer patients who are doomed to die still wrongly believe they might be cured.”
“people shouldn’t die of cancer in an intensive care unit, the report says”。 靠,這幫傻瓜難道不知道大多癌症病人進ICU是因為出了並發症或其他緊急狀況?