土豆血糖生成指數 (GI) 和烹飪方法有關

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Potato Glycemic Index (Answered) – NatureWord

The glycemic index (GI) of potatoes varies depending on the cooking method and type of potato. Boiled and roasted potatoes have a lower GI (both 59), while baked potatoes have a higher GI (69) and mashed and instant potatoes have the highest GI (78 and 82, respectively). Sweet potatoes and yams have a lower GI than baked potatoes, with sweet potatoes at about 61 and yams at about 373. Cooling potatoes after cooking may lessen their effect on blood sugar and lower their GI by 25-26%.

馬鈴薯的血糖生成指數 (GI) 根據馬鈴薯的烹飪方法和類型而變化。 煮土豆和烤土豆的 GI 較低(均為 59),而烤土豆的 GI 較高(69),而土豆泥和即食土豆的 GI 最高(分別為 78 和 82)。 紅薯和山藥的 GI 值比烤土豆低,紅薯約為 61,山藥約為 373。煮熟後冷卻土豆可能會減輕其對血糖的影響,並將 GI 降低 25-26%。




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