Yes, you have had Chronic back pain with muscle spasm.

回答: 請問腰間盤突出revy.kichen2022-02-22 17:13:45

Please stop to do the exercises that you listed. 

Because of the improper exercises, prolong sitting, and/ or faulty posture,  alteration of the facet joints in the spine triggers the muscle spasm, which is a mechanical, protective, muscle guarding. 

Please looking for a well-trained massage therapists or Chiropractors in your area. They will give a national treatment....



多謝,感覺是應該停掉腰椎不舒服的動作了 -revy.kichen- 給 revy.kichen 發送悄悄話 revy.kichen 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2022 postreply 06:11:28

我又看了一下您的回答。我感覺我的運動是沒問題的。 -revy.kichen- 給 revy.kichen 發送悄悄話 revy.kichen 的博客首頁 (866 bytes) () 02/23/2022 postreply 12:45:53
