You are put to a spot you don't

回答: 請教大家關於最近的迷惑。JJGL2015-02-01 19:17:14

feel comfortable since it is challenging and there are a lot unknowns. Basically a technical person is shifting to a management role, but you are not ready for it as a full-time job.

You are ahead of most of us from management perspective, but here are my thoughts which might be helpful.

1) 而是讓我學作effective manager(那就是我不夠effective嘍)
Yes and No. The resources are limited now, your manager is stressed and need some help. You are the person s/he can rely on, so it would be better if you could do that.

Relax. There is nothing you can do about it. The ax can hit anybody in the company. You are one of the most valuable persons, at least from your manager's perspective, so you are safe IMO.

3) 如果不讓我做具體的我怎麽樣才能熟悉和開展工作?
Good question! I have some thoughts, but ask yourself how? If you couldn't answer, is there anybody else you can ask for help? I think there is one who is better than anyone who is reading the post here.

4) 還有一個曾有個3人團隊 ... 我是個愛幹也享受幹具體活的人。改組後這兩周天天忙,忙到真的沒時間幹具體活。麵對今年還要再裁幾次,我想找下家的心都有了
Do you feel comfortable to be a developer and managed by the guy who 曾有個3人團隊?

5) 所以要換就是公司內部投簡曆找。然而我真要找的話有麵試就得通知老板。
Understood. This is a tricky one. If it is required to notify your manager before applying the internal job, it is hard. But you should be able to talk to the other team first and have a sense of feeling how likely you are going to be hired. Lunch together and so on.

6) 依我對他的了解,走不成的話絕對沒好果子
Well if you decide to move on, "走不成" is not possible. You just need to prepare for the transition period. You have more advantage since you are firing your boss/company instead of the other way around. As such, there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you have concern regarding the reference from your boss, that is redundant. You don't need to put your boss as your reference. As you can see the laid off and re-org can be done multiple times, you manager can be changed and so on so forth. Who cares! Put somebody else who can say something good about you, that is all.


謝謝幫助並逐條解釋讓我思路更開了。 -JJGL- 給 JJGL 發送悄悄話 (837 bytes) () 02/01/2015 postreply 21:50:38
