> 留下來的人應該考慮的,是如何和新頭兒合作,一起把事情做好。
你說的沒錯。樓主也沒有不想這樣。問題是人家頭兒不想帶他玩兒。“M選了一個資曆最弱的人,對我們組的事也不懂,全組嘩然。大家紛紛開始找工作。M安慰我,想讓我留下幫新人,說給我升一級 (不知道會不會兌現),讓我留在組裏。”
Time to find a new job as you have said. "如果實在不能接受現狀,那就一邊認真工作一邊找新工作。利用現在的機會為下一個工作" To me 積累經驗 means also to practice some self-protection politics. Such as when transfering knowledge, tell some, but not all. So, the others would know what to expect if you promote somebody who is not competent for the job. That will teach other people a lesson that everything has consequencies. 出來混,總是要還的。