還又一個月就到滿3年工作,既使辭職,也可拿到公司的3%matching fund(not sure if I get the right name).不幸昨天又和老板幹上了.辛辛苦庫作了一年的工作又要被迫讓人.想不通. 想馬上辭職,又想到這個3%fund. 幫我想想, what I should do?
Ask the boss to approve me 4 wks vocation(I have not done vacation for the past 3 years, so that I don't need to come back to see him again if I resign a month later), he refused, claimed although the project is switched, but I still need to support all the work (that is, I do the same exact work, just I won't be the lead).
Really don't want to go back to work.
Also, In the current situation, strongly feel my boss is unfair to me. Are there any ways to protect my self and fight back? Where shall I go to ask help? I went to HR already. I don't think they'll help you too much. Shall I hire a lawyer to fight for the justice? What are the key things I should be careful when I want to make statements: my boss is not qualified for his job?
Any help will be appreciated !
你情緒上過頭了,休息休息, 再看看, 有下一份工等著嗎, 沒有,就在等等看
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05/21/2010 postreply
Calm down, and don't dwell on whether things are fair or unfair
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05/21/2010 postreply
別忙著辭職, 找醫生,開"stress leave" 一個月.
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05/21/2010 postreply
好辦法,請 Dr. Jill / Li 幫忙!
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05/21/2010 postreply
Your boss's qualification is reviewed by his boss
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05/21/2010 postreply
頂! (圖)
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05/21/2010 postreply
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05/21/2010 postreply
cool down
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05/21/2010 postreply
I have the same issue with you. This is what I did
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05/22/2010 postreply