-This posting is based on the fact your boss is a normal person, not a so called a mean boss
I think you should quit the job. It must be very difficulty to work on something you don't like, and work with a boss you don't like
--To be honest, often time the feeling is mutal: For years, my boss couldn't get along with an employee, he was so unhappy, but when she finally decided to quit, we could all feel the happiness in our boss
--I have heard equal number of supervisors and employees complainting, so it is mutual, most of time. We better stop this, try to think from a different angle, find things that we can improve. One simple example: when boss yields at us, we are not happy; if you are rude/confrontational to your boss, he wouldn't be happy too. b/c he is a human being, just like you
--Boss CAN have expectations, because he has deadlines as well
--In reality, the deadline of everything is "as soon as possible", which is correct. Reasonable boss would not say I need this done in 8 hrs unless there is a clear cut deadline.
--From a supervisor's point of view, the performance of each employees are very different/distinctive. For example, same job, when it was assigned to two different persons, you might get very different outcome. This has to be with motivation, intellectually abilities, technqiue abilities of each individual person. Exact same task, I have seen one person finished in 2 hrs, while it took the other person 2 days -- same quality. Everybody is different, not the key point, but the second person was complaining and he wants overtime pay, because he had stayed late to finish! - I think he would need to think about things from a different perspective
--See if you can ride of the negative feeling toward your boss, do your best (not to degree of killing your self) and communicate with your boss about the project, periodically, objectively and positively, and get guidance and try to understand his priorities at different time (don't be rigid, because priority might change). The aim of the talk is to trouble shot and move forward, and inform him about your progress/status
--The boss can tell if a person is motivated or smart most of the time. Most boss appreciates a pleasant person's honest effort (better smart too).
--Most boss just laid off one employee (ooch, but it is kind of a mutual decision, she hated this job) and promoted another one (which everybody feels he deserved it--pls, we have a very nice group of people in fact, no jealousies most of time)
--My philosophy is I do MY best (even if you kill me or I kill myself, I would be as accomplished as Einstein)
回複:I really want to quit.
A clarification
(279 bytes)
03/03/2009 postreply
Not a good idea
(603 bytes)
03/03/2009 postreply
回複:Not a good idea
(2061 bytes)
03/03/2009 postreply