1. 傳教士體位大家都知道 ,標準嘛,不能拿一個猥褻兒童的傳教士照片來充數,體位兩個字未見顯示。 斷章取義,太明顯
2. 關於特洛伊英雄Hector的妻子Andromache, 偉大的特洛伊人為了區別她和姿勢已經將其改為Andromaque,苗哥故意混淆視聽。 這段小文字,揭露了苗哥的陰暗嘴臉。
Cowgirl position has been practiced since ancient times and one of its names, the andromache position, takes its name from the heroine of Homer's The Iliad (Hector’s wife Andromache rode her husband!). It has been controversial because the woman dominates and takes charge.
3. Levrette和Levrette de Charmes的區別與“性交”和“投機性交易”的關係是一模一樣的。
4. Bateau ivre姿勢中文叫啥來著? 老漢推車? 老漢推車也不是真推車啊
參考頁麵: http://www.firerank.com/liste/top-des-positions-preferees-des-hommes/1811