2005 (95)
2007 (227)
2008 (147)
2012 (9)
2014 (1)
2017 (2)
2018 (1)
2021 (9)
2022 (29)
Star Fall
For younger students to have fun learning letters, words and numbers. This is a program that helped all my three kids learn reading.
Free Rice
A vocabulary-building site that donates rice through the United Nation for every correct answer to a vocabulary quiz.
Smart Kids
A fun site where elementary students can learn about art.
Club Penguin
Club Penguin is a virtual world where children can play games, have fun and interact with each other. Club Penguin is designed for 6-14 year olds. The site touts itself as safe, wholesome, commercial-free and predator-free. Each player starts by choosing a penguin, giving it an identity, and then exploring Club Penguin. They can interact with other penguins by chatting, playing game and sending greeting cards. By playing games, players earn virtual coins which they can eventually use to buy clothing and accessories for their penguin or furniture for their igloo. A $6 monthly fee keeps the site ad-free, but you can create a penguin and play plenty of games with a “free” account.
Nick Tropolis
This free site allows players 6-14 to design a “NickSelf”, create their own playroom, create a pet fish, play games, watch videos or engage in a filtered chat with friends or Nickelodeon characters. Players score points which are used to dress their avatars and decorate their rooms. The site is commercial-free, unless you consider the site itself as gigantic ad for Nickelodeon. Either way, kids love it!
Bob the Builder
The games and activities on this site are designed to teach the can-do spirit of accomplishment. Every episode finishes with a job well done and a lesson learned about the value of a positive attitude, problem-solving and teamwork. Again, commercial-free except the obvious. There is also a store accessible through an icon on the homepage.
You won't believe how interactive those games are for young kids.
You have now donated 380 grains of rice. :-)
大米這麽貴, 看來得多玩! :-)
在DUKE的校報上我自己看的,我個人看,千源小姐對攻擊她的郵件和威脅信其實並不為然,而且拒絕了警方保護 (至今為止)。 Have to say, 這丫頭厲害,知道沒人敢動她的。
高音喇叭不錯,開頭就是紅旗飄飄,唱了一圈下來,正式開始先唱加拿大國歌,緊接著中國國歌。後來就是一係列講話,然後還是唱歌。講話我沒聽清楚,因為要到處追兒子。而且他知道廣場一個角落就是一個流浪貓站,非要去, 其中racoon和鬆鼠和貓們和平共處,公用糧食, 嗬嗬,真是感人。人呢,不是更應該這樣。更何況藏族和漢族, 有啥不能在一個國家內的。
從多倫多到渥太華,大概相當於洛杉磯到舊金山, 很多人5點鍾就爬起來往渥太華趕。回到家業肯定要半夜了, 明天都得上班呀。特別是多倫多,臨時租車公司反悔,33台大巴被取消,結果自駕車來了100多輛,自發組的幾十台大巴也來了。真是感人。蒙特利爾和金斯頓到這裏就近多了。
為了讓兒子高高興興來,首先進行最主要的思想灌輸,到最好的點心店想吃什麽甜點,沒限製。結果午飯也不吃了,直接吃cheesecake和cookies! 果然,糖分這一招很管用,3個多小時下來,沒叫苦,沒叫累,嗬嗬.
報告一下,今天去參加集會, 忘了帶照相機!!!!!!!!!!