印度快運航空(Air India Express)一架從迪拜飛往印度科澤科德(Kozhikode)的班機,在當地時間7日晚間約7時38分進行降落時,疑因天雨路滑衝出跑道,機身直接斷成兩截,機上含機組人員共搭載191人,根據外媒報導,到台灣時間淩晨1點左右,已至少14人死亡、123人輕傷、15人重傷。Terrible news coming in that Captain Deepak Vasant Sathe, pilot of the #AirIndia flight, has died in today’s accident at Kozhikode. Am hearing he’s ex-IAF. Deepest condolences to his family. pic.twitter.com/OLHHWlGTD3
— Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) August 7, 2020
綜合外媒報導,印度民航總局證實,衝出跑道飛機型號為波音737。據了解,當地晚間天候狀況非常惡劣,幸好機體並未起火爆炸,有多名乘客受傷被送往附近醫院,現場一片混亂。#AirIndia flight on #VandeBharatMission with 170 passengers skids while #landing crashes after #overshooting the #runway and going into the valley. Fire tenders and ambulances rushed to the spot, at #Calicut International Airport So far no causality reported pic.twitter.com/RmasvqwLB0
— sudhakar (@naidusudhakar) August 7, 2020