Torrance tirade update: Lena Hernandez, who was seen in viral videos delivering anti-Asian rants at a Torrance park, has been released on $1 bail after her arrest earlier today for an October 2019 altercation
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) July 4, 2020
據悉這位名叫赫爾南德斯(Lea Hernandez)的婦人,今年54歲是長灘市居民。 今年6月,赫爾南德斯多次辱罵亞裔並發表種族主義言論。該係列視頻在網上瘋傳。‘Torrance Karen’ Will NOT Face Hate Crime Charges Over Racist Rants, City Attorney Says
— Nextshark (@NextShark) July 3, 2020
該名婦人辱罵亞裔的事件包括:6月10日,她在托倫斯市(Torrance)的一個公園內,連續辱罵一名亞裔女性稱:“你個xx,滾回你TMD亞洲國家”! “這不是你的地方。這裏不是你的家。我們不希望你在這裏。”
6月11日,該婦人模仿亞裔的口音,讓一名亞裔男子和他的兒子“滾回家”,並使用侮辱性詞語。6月12日數百人聚集在威爾遜公園(Wilson Park )抗議這一種族主義行為,市政府官員舉行了新聞發布會,確認這名女子的身份,並請求公眾幫助確定她的位置。7月3日,她被逮捕。
This happened to a friend of my cousin this morning in Torrance, CA at Wilson Park. Can we please find this racist old white lady because this is beyond disgusting
— Myles Clark (@myullz) June 10, 2020
The same racist threatened and assaulted us today.
— Anti Karen League (@AntiKarenLeague) June 11, 2020
Reported the incident to @TorrancePD
There is no place for racists in @TorranceCA , @CountyofLA #FightRacism #antiracist #ACT #KarenOfTheYear @RexChapman @taradublinrocks@notoriousOHM@mfrost11@ZaackHunt