主題:如果李連傑和成龍無規則決鬥誰會贏?? 網友回貼: 1,如果是無規則決鬥,我相信jet會贏,如果是有規則約束以及帶保護措施,我覺得成龍會贏,因為成龍很會躲。 2,jet完勝,成龍太老了 3,天啦,怎麽會有這樣的問題,當然是jet贏了 4,我相信jet完勝,因為成龍太不嚴肅了,而jet是那麽酷 5,不可否認,成龍也很厲害,他很搞笑,而且很有無數天賦,但他太老了。 6,這個問題在香港就發生過爭執,但不是很嚴重,事實上成龍要做得更好 成龍的武術天賦並沒有完全表現出來,但有幾個頂尖的武術家曾說過成龍是個偉大的武術家,當然了,jet也是個天才,武術其實更象舞蹈,而不是實際的打鬥。 7,前麵有個家夥竟然說成龍在好來烏拍的片子都是垃圾,明顯是小於九歲的兒童或者**說的,成龍是當今世界最偉大的功夫明星之一,警察故事醉拳2說明他有豹子般的速度和令人震驚的耐力,jet也不錯,不過成龍可以海扁他。 8,結果取決於他們所處的環境,成龍可以使用周圍的一切。 9,我們都知道結果是jet贏,成龍太老了而且沒有任何機會對抗jet 10,成龍贏,因為他有高度優勢 11,在街上打,成龍贏,但在封閉的環境打,jet海扁成龍 12,你們這些人說成龍會利用周圍的環境,誰告訴你jet就不會??你們會說成龍自己做危險動作,誰告訴你jet就不會做,也許是他不想,也許是別人不讓他做,看上去好象是jet更厲害,但並不代表我認為他厲害他就真的厲害,也不代表我不喜歡成龍,其實我不想做處判斷,因為他們兩個都是偉大的武術家。 13,從電影的質量來看,我認為成龍贏,但真實打鬥,我會把錢壓在jet身上,因為他更年輕,而且他是武術冠軍,而成龍隻是在北京京劇學院學過武術,所以他比jet要稍微遜色一點。 14,要我說,沒人會贏,他們永遠都不會和對方打。 15,技巧於力量的對抗,但是成龍已經老了,他沒有可能擋得住jet的攻擊 16,他們兩個都隻是演員,他們都不可能打得贏普通的泰拳手 17,jet贏,因為他是真正的男人 原文 If Jackie Chan and Jet Li had a no holds barred fight unscripted who would win? Answer I think Jet Li would win in a no holds barred fight as he just seems to have that killer instinct in his eyes, but in a fight with rules and a ring, I think my money would be on Jackie for his sheer level of experience. jet Answer Jet Li all the way. Jackie Chan is too old, and the only movies he's in are REALLY bad hollywood money ploys. Jet Li kicks butt in every movie he's in. I think there should be a movie where Jackie Chan plays Jet Li's sensei. THAT would be pretty awesome, if i do say so myself...and i do say so, so.... Answer OMGOSH!!wat kind of question is that?! ofcourse jet li would win... Answer i'm pretty sure that jet li would win... because jackie chan is never serious... but jet li is like SO COOL. Answer omg...no way.. jackie chan is bomb...hes funny and hes talented in martial arts..also, hes older..so hes wiser. Answer Jackie Chan sparred with Jet Li in hong kong. It wasn't totally serious, but Jackie actually got the better of him. Jackie Chan really plays down his martial arts ability, but several top martial artists have said that he is in fact a great martial artist. Of course Jet Li is very talented also. Wu Shu is more like a dance than for actually brawling. Answer Woah back up. That guy who said that the only movie that jackie chan was in were bad hollywood movies obviously hasn't lived past he age of 9 or just plain ignorant. Jackie chan was one of the best kung fu movie stars back in the day. Police story 1-3, Drunken Master, and Armour of God just to name a few. Jackie chan had the speed and agility of a cheetah and the most amazing endurance. Don't get me wrong, Jet li is a awsome fighter but put them back when they were both in they're prime and Jackie would stomp on Jet. Answer It is all dependent on who is paid what! Answer The environment that they're put in plays a pretty big role in such a fight, Jackie Chan uses anything and everything in his surrounding environment. Also, the fact that Jackie Chan does his own stunts proves that he can take pain and keep on going. Answer we all know the answer for this .jet li will beat jackie chan's butt beacuse jet has that killer mentality and jackie chan is to old and will not stand a chance against jet li Answer jackie chan hands down. He has height advantage over Jet li. Answer In a street fight, jackie chan would most likely win due to his innate ablility to keenly use his surroundings. However, in a REAL fight in a closed environment, such as a dojo of sorts, Jet Li would DOMINATE THE SHIIT OUT OF JACKIE CHAN. Answer You people are saying that Jackie Chan would use the things that are around him and it's true, but who said Jet Li Won't? I agree with the person who wrote that Jackie does his own stunts and get hurt but keeps going, but it also doesn't mean that Jet Li can't take any pain. Maybe he doesn't want to do his own stunts. Maybe they won't let him do his own stunts. Out of Jackie Chan and Jet Li I like Jet Li better, but just I like him better doesn't mean that he is the best. I would say he is the best, but if it isn't true then it just isn't true. It will be really hard for me to admit if it was true that Jet would lose against Jackie Chan, but if thats the way it is then thats the way it is. It doesn't mean I don't like Jackie Chan though. I love Jet and I love Jackie. I really don't want to judge niether of them because I think that they are both great martial artist. Answer If we're going off film type qualities (as you seem to be "uses his surroundings" and all that) then Jackie Chan would win. Basically, Jet Li's films involve him beating the crap out of people and not being touched all that much, which is great.Jackie Chan's films involve Jackie getting the crap kicked out of him, then getting up and beating them down anyway, which is also great. So, Jet Li would start laying the smackdown on Chan, and Chan'd be getting in a few blocks, but he'd be taking blows, comically reeling with pained expressions on his face, but he'd still be fine. Li would get tired after the continuous pummeling and start to waiver, then Chan'd knock his block off with his infinite store of energy he so clearly has. There that wasn't so hard was it? Real fight though? I'd have to say my money is on Jet Li, he's younger, Wu Shu champion, so he does have an exceptional background in martial arts, I'm not saying Chan hasn't but he learnt how to be a stuntman in peking opera school not a dojo or similar. *shrug* Chan's getting on a bit, he could take less of a beating than Jet Li if they both turned out to have equal skill... Answer u no wat?! neither will win...both will never fight against each oter Answer jackie chan would totally kick jet li's butt cuz jackie got style and jet uses force. so style beats force,and even tho jackie is old he could actually dfend himself to many opponents, so that means he could defend himself to jet li no prob. Answer these 2 are just actors. they can't even take an 18 yrs old muay thai fighters........ Answer Yes these two are fighter. Jet Li is a Master in China (Buddhist)Visit www.jetli.com These Two would never act what they don't Understand!