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聽歌,悟quantum entanglement

(2008-08-16 23:09:09) 下一個
今天先讀到一段綜述 (by Shalini Lal from UCLA), 關於Gell-Mann 1994年的書 The Quark and the Jaguar. 

It explains how the world of quasi-classical physics, which appears deterministic, emerges from the underlying quantum mechanical state (which is necessarily probabilistic). Gell-Mann proposes that the same mechanism operates at varying levels of analysis from the electron to the entire universe. 

The quantum state of an electron is entangled with that of another electron if the quantum state of one electron (position and momentum) is influenced by the quantum state of the other electron. For instrance the two electrons in a molecule of helium interact with each other through the electrical repulsion between them. From this interaction, their joint quantum state is one in which the states of the two electrons are entangled.

想著我的建模工作,如何從中受了啟發,可能真的實現quantum entanglement. 從而,粒子們的學習之旅將是電子雲而不再是牛頓力學的合力啦!想著書中entangled 電子們,我模型中的思想的碎片們,現實世界裏的人與人。。。 Yeah, what a beautiful world!
就這樣,出發,跟著豆豆去朋友家party, 豆豆的兒子在車裏從他的ipod放歌給我們聽,我聽到了這一首(歌與詞都轉貼自紅豆豆博客):


I Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab For Cutie

How I wish you could see the potential, the potential of you and me
It's like a book elegantly bound, but in a language that you can't read - just yet
You gotta spend some time--love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you'll find--love, I will possess your heart

There are days when outside your window, I see my reflection as I slowly pass
And I long for this mirrored perspective, when we'll be lovers, lovers at last
You gotta spend some time--love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you'll find--love, I will possess your heart

I will possess your heart

You reject my advances and desperate pleas
I won't let you, let me down so easily, so easily

You gotta spend some time--love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you'll find--love, I will possess your heart (x3)

I will possess your heart

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一個人的親密 回複 悄悄話 What a beautiful quantum entanglement!