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Pismennye Pamiatniki Vostoka Witten Momuments of the Orient 《東方文碑》20244期俄文內封(局部)



書評作者: Hartmut WALRAVENS 魏漢茂);主要譯者:袁海旺

沈亞明《眾星何曆曆:沈仲章和他的朋友們》(Stars Scattering AboveC.C. Shen and His Friends),北京:中華書局,2022.464頁, ISBN 978-7-101-15834-2 (中文)

Review of the book:
Shen Yaming 沈亞明. Zhong Xing He Li Li: Shen Zhongzhang He Tade Pengyoumen 眾星何曆曆: 沈仲章和他的朋友們 (Why are the Stars So Bright: Shen Zhongzhang and His Friends). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2022. 464 pp. — ISBN 978-7-101-15834-2 (in Chinese)

【編者按】原書作者沈亞明在該書出版前,已定英文書名 Stars Scattering AboveC.C. Shen and His Friends——主標題 Stars Scattering Above 印在封麵,副標題 C.C. Shen and His Friends 印在封底。雖然德國國家圖書館現已收藏該書,但因海外購書流程耗時,魏漢茂撰書評期間尚未見到紙質本。


所評之書是一本文集,內中每篇都單獨表,現經作者修改,匯編成一本傳記性文集獻給已故父親沈仲章(1905-1987 )。

The book under review is a collection of essays, published before individually but now revised, which the authoress dedicated to the biography of her late father Shen Zhongzhang 沈仲章 (1905–1987).



In the preface and postface, she details the genesis of this book and describes the difficulties she had to cope with in the course of her efforts to present a documented portrait of her father. The first obstacle was already to label or classify Shen Zhongzhang — was he a musicologist (in the footsteps of his teacher Liu Tianhua), a linguist, a cultural manager, a scholar, a useful assistant to others, an administrator (e.g., for the explorer Sven Hedin)?


He took many jobs but lacked the ambition to get to the top — not because he felt unfit for a higher level position, but because he enjoyed doing and achieving things according to his own ideas and plans. He held the view that, as soon as you climb the ladder and are in the limelight, you are no longer free to do what you really want, i.e., things that count. Usually those were other people’s projects or matters that counted for him, not his own role in them.

因此,當沈仲章編一部基於《禦製五體清文鑒》(約成書於1795 年)的《維詞典》時,謝絕了被列作編輯的殊榮。他劉天華溘然逝去婉拒了接任先師的教職,說自己充其量隻是個學生。這類不尋常的謙讓、以及對世俗榮耀不屑一顧的例子不勝枚舉。

So, when he was asked to become the editor of an Uighur dictionary on the basis of the imperial pentaglot dictionary 禦製五體清文鑒 (finished ca. 1795) he refused this honour. And he did not take over the teaching responsibilities of Liu Tianhua after the sudden death of the master — after all, he was just a student. There are more examples of this uncommon modesty or disinterest in worldly glory.


Still another case of this sort is the recovery for safekeeping of the famous Juyan wooden text strips — they had been found in the Ejina area (Qarakhoto) and were deposited with Peking University: valuable documents from the Han dynasty. Shen Yaming tells the story of how these strips were saved from the Japanese occupied territory and then via Hong Kong shipped to the USA as a deposit: Shen Zhongzhang was the main actor of this deed of daring.

【編者按】《眾星何曆曆:沈仲章和他的朋友們》中並不包含居延漢簡的故事。估計書評作者讀過沈亞明另行刊發的若幹單篇,比如但不限於:《沈仲章與居延漢簡在北平》《沈仲章居延漢簡》(《古今論衡》第28期,中央研究院曆史語言研究所2015年),《居延漢簡是否去過長沙》(《文匯報》20171027日“文匯學人”),《沈仲章和冒險相助救國寶的老百姓》(《新民晚報》202273日“夜光杯”濃縮版,全文見沈仲章和冒險助他搶救居延漢簡的老百姓 - 博客 | 文學城),《照片“由沈仲章先生經手拍攝”》(《文匯報》20221116日“文匯學人”公眾號),《沈仲章救運居延漢簡之“箱”:從北平到天津》(《古今論衡》第39期,中央研究院曆史語言研究所2022年)。


But you will look in vain for a Wikipedia article on him or even his name mentioned in connection with the Juyan strips which are now housed at Academia Sinica in Taibei.

【編者按】現在,維基百科可見沈仲章(Chung-chang Shen)詞條,可惜仍很簡單。又,經海外知情者敦促,中研院網頁也有所更新,承認《居延漢簡·圖版之部》和現資料庫內全部“反體照片”都由沈仲章拍攝。可惜尚未說明,《居延漢簡·圖版之部》每一張圖版都由沈仲章拍攝並排列,是真正作者,而列名作者僅調整了部分葉碼。


Small wonder then that Shen Zhongzhang did not leave many traces in archives, universities or museums. And some that did exist may not have survived the civil war and the Cultural Revolution. So, his memory was mainly kept alive in the recollections of scholars he worked with or served as an impresario or amanuensis.


The main source of the present book is the memory of the authoress — her father kept telling her episodes from his life, among the other stories that parents tell their children to entertain them, and again when he was at an advanced age and may have felt that some information on the bygone events should not vanish completely.


Ms. Shen recorded a number of these reminiscences and later on tried to verify facts and statements but again: there were hardly any documents.


沈仲章共事和結交不乏外國人,其中包括一些德國人。既然書評人在德國,關注這些學者自然很合理。如今在中國名的,大概衛禮賢Richard Wilhelm)莫屬洪濤生(Vincenz Hundhausen名氣稍遜而瑞典探險家斯文·赫定Sven Hedin則舉世聞名。

Among C.C. Shen’s collaborators and friends were a number of foreigners, including a few German speakers, and as the present reviewer is based in Germany, it may be appropriate to focus on these scholars. Today the best known one is Richard Wilhelm (1873– 1930); Vincenz Hundhausen is less famous while the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin is a celebrity.


…… ……



As can be deduced from the survey of this section of the book, Ms. Shen has done enormous work in detecting references to her father’s achievements and presenting a true picture of the life and labours of this unsung hero — C.C. Shen.


As a perfect example of filial piety, his daughter deserves high praise for her indefatigable and admirable efforts to uncover sources and evaluate them.

書評全文刊發於 Pismennye Pamiatniki Vostoka (Witten Momuments of the Orient
《東方文碑》20244[引用格式:Walravens, Hartmut [Rev. of the book:] “Shen Yaming 沈亞明. Zhong Xing He Li Li: Shen Zhongzhang He Tade Pengyoumen 眾星何曆曆: 沈仲章和他的朋友們 (Why are the Stars So Bright: Shen Zhongzhang and His Friends). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2022. 464 pp.”. Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka, 2024, vol. 21, no. 4 (iss. 59), pp. 141–146 (in Chinese). DOI: 10.55512/WMO6] 選摘的漢譯主要由袁海旺貢獻,融入多位預覽者參謀,一總致謝。誠邀繼續指教,先表謝意。

Pismennye Pamiatniki Vostoka Witten Momuments of the Orient 《東方文碑》20244期英文內封(局部)


魏漢茂(Hartmut Walravens
德國漢學家、東亞和中亞研究學者、阿爾泰學家、文獻研究學者和圖書館學者。魏漢茂先生的研究興趣包括:滿文語言與文獻、清史、目錄學、書籍與印刷史、中亞和東方學(特別是東亞和中亞研究)學術史。 194499日生於德國黑森州阿多夫(Adorf)。 1960年代先後在德國科隆大學和波昂大學追隨名師如著名的滿文學者福克司(Walter Fuchs, 1902-1979,二戰後常用漢名福華德)和著名的古突厥文學者葛瑪麗(Annemarie von Gabain, 1901-1993)等人研讀東亞研究和中亞研究課程。 1970年在德國科隆大學獲得漢學博士學位,導師為福克司。先後擔任漢堡聯邦軍隊學院圖書館副館長和柏林國立圖書館負責圖書館事務的高級主管,在漢堡大學、柏林洪堡大學日本研究中心和柏林自由大學東亞係授課,曾任國際標準書號機構和國際標準樂譜號機構總幹事,現任國際標準樂譜號機構主席。(《德國漢學家魏漢茂先生訪談錄》摘要,《漢學研究通訊》Newsletter for Research in Chinese StudiesISSN 0253-28752020/11)

袁海旺 (Haiwang Yuan)

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