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靈魂伴侶是彼此的守護者, 靈魂伴侶是彼此的啦啦隊,靈魂伴侶是彼此的電源, 靈魂伴侶是平等的。











生命是用來分享的, 人類的情感是用來分享的。有了靈魂伴侶,就會有更多的深度、強度、快樂、自由,情感更加豐富。




當我說Samuel造就了今天的我時,我不是在開玩笑。當我第一次見到我的男人時,我還是個年輕女孩,一個 20 歲的大學生,對生活充滿夢想。在過去的 30 年裏,我每天都在實現自己的夢想。我感謝神給了我這個人。













My 15 year old once said, “Mom, I don’t think there’s a guy out there for me.”  


“Do you believe in true love?” I asked, remembering she once gave a full page description of her future partner at the age of nine.




“Great. Why?”


“Because of you and Daddy. But you two are special. There’s no one else like you guys.”


“Ok. But if we exist, don’t you think others can exist too?”


“I guess.”


I smiled. “While you are growing now, there is a soul out there preparing to receive you just as you are preparing to receive them.”


“So like soulmates? What’s that like?” 


“Like he’s the sun and stars of my life and I’m the moon of his life. Together we are each other’s universe.” We both grinned at my Game of Thrones reference. “Your soulmate will love you unconditionally. His presence will make you feel at home, you both are a part of twin flames. But in order to attract him, you have to believe his existence first.”


Samuel is my soulmate. Today, we are celebrating our 30th anniversary.  


How do I feel about being with my soulmate for thirty years?


It is a feeling of certainty. 


Having a soulmate is my best friend of life who will never leave me, who accepts me as I am — even the not too pretty side of me that I don’t want to admit is there. 


Having a soulmate is a total feeling of love and connectedness. Through a soul contact, we are forever binded together as one — we are one — for the greater good. 


Having a soulmate is a soft warm blanket on cold winter days wrapped around me. 


Having a soulmate is the top chess players in the world helping me improve the game of life. 


Having a soulmate is the best entertainer bringing the playful inner child out of me. 


Soulmates are space holders for each other. Soulmates are cheerleaders for each other. Soulmates are each other's battery power. Soulmates are equals to each other. 


Your soulmate will always grow with you because they are a part of your soul. They always lift you up, see the best in you, love you and nurture you like you are part of them. 


People make mistakes, but as soulmates, you never hold them at fault. You want to bring the best of you out for your soulmate. 


Can a person be happy without their soulmate? 


Yes. Everyone is born whole on our own, but when you have your soulmate by your side, it’s like you have the best traveling buddy on the journey of life. You both take turns driving the car. You both design the routine for the journey.


Life is meant to be shared. Human emotions are meant to be shared. With a soulmate comes more depth, intensity, joy, total let go; another layer of richness in emotion.


It is my sincere wish everyone believes there is a soulmate born for them. It takes faith to believe you will meet and magnify each other in a most unique way that only you two will experience together. Life is double the joy and intensity when you have a soulmate. 


I am not kidding when I say Samuel made me who I am today. I was a young woman when I first met my man, a 20 year old college student, full of dreams for my life. Now for the past 30 years, I have been living my dream everyday. I thank Divine for giving me this man. 


My soulmate is a masculine guy in a quiet way. His macho does not show up in a loud shouts, but instead in a solid, grounded, buddha-like Zen way. He continues to fascinate me. He has been building up physically, now he has grown his chest muscles like how he grows our flower garden! Pleasing to the eyes, nourishing to the soul.


Everyday I wake up and lay my cheek on his chest, listen to his heart beat and feel the deep warm connection from my heart to his.


Nothing is permanent, only our souls are permanent. Soulmates are mates for the souls.  


I am your mate and you are mine. Our best life together has yet to come. 


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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
偉麗-擁抱女性自我 回複 悄悄話 回複 'CBA7' 的評論 : 謝謝你的評論!祝願你的人生也一直美麗下去!
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 "靈魂伴侶是最好的玩伴,把我內在的頑皮小孩釋放出來", 同感,靈魂伴侶能夠讓彼此返樸歸真。


偉麗-擁抱女性自我 回複 悄悄話 回複 '兵團農工' 的評論 : 謝謝你!希望你也是!
偉麗-擁抱女性自我 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 謝謝你!
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 太好了,祝福你們!
兵團農工 回複 悄悄話 有這樣的理念,你會生活的很好。祝賀你!
3227 回複 悄悄話 許多女人都會承認一個錯誤:找錯老公了。哈
渥太華鬱金香 回複 悄悄話 寫得好,我推薦給我的女兒看看