唐宋韻 (熱門博主)
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【蘇格蘭民歌漢譯 -- The Rowan Tree】

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唐宋韻 回複 悄悄話 這本是“書香”壇版主提議的一個小活動,但感覺比較難,看到aye, thy, nae 之類就頭疼,本有放棄的打算。但抽空看了看有關的背景,包括電影 Living的介紹,詩(歌)作者和她的時代,還查了一下rowan tree 及其果實像什麽樣子,並到youtube上聽了聽歌,就開始喜歡了。中文用五言古詩是第一感。五古比七古更顯古典,配這首200年前的蘇格蘭民歌合適。
唐宋韻 回複 悄悄話 【原歌詞】

The Rowan Tree

by Carolina Nairne (1766 - 1845)

Oh rowan tree, oh rowan tree
Thou'lt aye be dear to me
Entwined thou art wi' many ties
Of hame and infancy
Thy leaves were aye the first of spring
Thy flowers the summer's pride
There was nae such a bonnie tree
In all the country side

How fair were thou in summer time
With all thy clusters white
How rich and gay thy autumn dress,
Wi' berries red and bright.
On thy fair stem were many names
Which now no more I see
But they're engraven on my heart,
Forget they ne'er can be

We sat beneath thy spreadin' shade
The bairnies round thee ran
They pu'd thy bonnie berries red,
And necklaces they strang
My mother, oh! I see her still,
She smiled our sports to see
With little Jeannie on her lap,
And Jamie on her knee.