黃顏禍水, :D
(2005-12-21 04:06:15)
- Yeah, so pitiful,but he made it...sigh...his life is so dramaticalized.
- Like a matix, to show how smart he is, :D kidding. Such smartness is actually stupid, haha.
- He is a fox to hide, poor guy.
- 楊有艾米的一些影子。但與黃的個人生活無關。隻不過是個熟人。
- 仁者見仁,智者見智,無聊者見無聊。
- 我們家艾米,驕傲地說,哈哈。
- :D 真的,慣性好大。今天1點又醒了,睡不著。
- :D 聽起來很黃很黃。
- a? ft. me a mom, how can i be? HY was such a chicken, it is a shame to be him, hahaha.