

(2024-07-29 16:00:38) 下一個




你們(巴黎奧運會組織者)已為開幕式道歉。然而,發言人安妮·德坎普斯(Anne Descamps)和開幕式導演托馬斯·喬利(Thomas Jolly)的措辭是不可接受的。安妮·德坎普斯的聲明更像是解釋而非道歉,而托馬斯·喬利的言論則純是侮辱,他不恰當地強調法國人的權利。


1.  一個恰當的道歉應以對不起,這是我們的錯誤……”開始。然而在這裏,我們看不到。無論是發言人還是導演都沒有達到這一基本標準。

2.  最後的晚餐的一幕褻瀆天主。許多人都有同樣的看法。導演應該預見到其可能引起的誤解。如果沒有,就隻能說明他既不專業,也不尊重觀眾。

3.  開幕式中出現的馬(源自《默示錄》Revelation)、作為巴貝爾塔(the Tower of Babel)象征的埃菲爾鐵塔、模仿異教崇拜的眾多裸體和性突出的人物,以及象征梅瑟(Moses)追隨者崇拜的金牛犢,表明這是有意設計的。

4.  變裝皇後與奧林匹克精神毫無關係!奧林匹克被用來推動你們的理念和攻擊基督教。

5.  你們違反了自己的憲章:權利和自由的享有[…]應不受任何種類的歧視,如種族、膚色、性別、性取向、語言、宗教、政治或其他見解、民族或社會出身、財產、出生或其他身份。


目前,我們30%的美國觀眾正在抵製巴黎奧運會。C Spire 已撤下其廣告。我預計會有更多人站出來抵製這屆奧運會,因為你們的開幕式不僅褻瀆天主,也不尊重全世界眾多的耶穌基督的追隨者。


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mary_亮光 回複 悄悄話 我這封信是用英文寫的。我把英文原稿貼在這裏以便大家使用。

To whom it may concern,
Paris Olympics organizers have apologized for the opening ceremony. However, the wording by Anne Descamps and Thomas Jolly is unacceptable. Anne Descamps' statement appears more as an explanation than an apology, while Thomas Jolly's remarks come off as an insult, emphasizing French rights inappropriately.
I cannot accept this. My reasons are as follows:
1. A proper apology begins with "I'm sorry. It's our mistake....." Neither the spokeswoman nor the director meets this basic criterion.
2. At a glance, it is clearly the Last Supper. Many people share this perception. The director should have anticipated its potential misunderstanding. If not, he is neither professional nor respectful to his audience.
3. The scenes featuring a horse (originating from Revelation), the Eiffel Tower as the Tower of Babel, numerous nude and sexually explicit figures imitating pagan worship, and the golden bull symbolizing the calf worshipped by Moses' followers suggest a deliberate design.
4. Drag queens have nothing to do with the Olympic spirit! This event is being used to promote your agenda and attack Christianity.
5. You violate your own charter: "The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms [...] shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."
Shame on you!
Currently, 30% of our American audience is boycotting the Paris Olympics. C Spire has pulled its ads from the event. I expect more people to stand up and boycott this Olympics because your opening ceremony is blasphemous and disrespectful.
I urge all of you to repent for your actions and ensure a healthy closing ceremony.
