Note: frequentist: 常客,propensity: 趨向,propensity accounts 可用於量子力學。
Reference class problem: 引用類問題--different may assign different prior prob.
Classical interpretation (Laplace) :
Laplace’s principle of insufficient reason: if there is no reason to believe that outcomes are not equally likely, take them to be equally likely. However, not believed to be unequally is one thing; known to be equal is another. 這裏有邏輯上問題。有點像廣義相對論中引力質量與慣性質量等價問題。
Evidential (證據) prob. Baysian prob. :
Subjective interp.
Logical interp. 如,一個恐龍滅絕的假設可能是真。
Eplstemlc (認知) or inductive interp.