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1。大國民 Citizen Kane (1941); 2。北非諜影 Casablanca (1942);

3。教父(第一集) The Godfather (1972);4。亂世佳人 Gone With the Wind (1939);

5。阿拉伯的勞倫斯Lawrence of Arabia(1962),6。綠野仙蹤The Wizard of Oz(1939);

7。畢業生 The Graduate (1967); 8。岸上風雲 On the Waterfront (1954);

9。辛德勒名單 Schindler's List (1993); 10。萬花嘻春 Singing in the Rain 

11。風雲人物 It's a Wonderful Life (1946);12。日落大道 Sunset Boulevard 

13。桂河大橋 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957);

14。熱情如火 Some Like It Hot (1959); 15。星際大戰 Star Wars (1977);

16。彗星美人 All About Eve (1950); 17。非洲皇後 The African Queen (1951);

18。警魂記 Psycho (1960); 19。唐人街 Chinatown (1974);

20。飛越杜鵑窩 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975);

21。怒火之花 The Grapes of Wrath (1940);

22。2001太空漫遊 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968);

23。馬爾它之鷹 The Maltese Falcon (1941);24。蠻牛 Raging Bull (1980);

25。外星人 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982);26。奇愛博士 Dr. Strangelove 

27。我倆沒有明天Bonnie and Clyde(1967);28。現代啟示錄Apocalypse Now(1979);

29。史密斯上美京 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939);

30。碧血金沙 Treasure of Sierra Madre (1948);31。安妮霍爾 Annie Hall (1977);

32。教父(第二集) The Godfather (1974); 33。日正當中 High Noon (1952);

34。梅崗城故事 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962);

35。一夜風流 It Happened One Night (1934);36。午夜牛郎Midnight Cowboy(1969);

37。黃金時代 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946);

38。雙保險 Double Indemnity (1944); 39。齊瓦哥醫生 Doctor Zhivago (1965);

40。北西北 North by Northwest (1959); 41。西城故事 West Side Story (1961);

42。後窗 Rear Window (1954); 43。大金剛 King Kong (1933);

44。國家的誕生 The Birth of a Nation (1915);

45。欲望街車 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951);

46。發條桔子 A Clockwork Orange (1971);47。計程車司機 Taxi Driver (1976);

48。大白鯊 Jaws (1975); 49。白雪公主 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937);

50。虎豹小霸王 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969);

51。費城故事 The Philadelphia Story (1940);

52。亂世忠魂 From Here to Eternity (1953);

53。阿瑪迪斯 Amadeus (1984);

54。西線無戰事 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930);

55。音樂之聲 The Sound of Music (1965);56。外科醫生 Mash (1970);

57。黑獄亡魂 The Third Man (1949); 58。幻想曲 Fantasia (1940);

59。養子不教誰之過 Rebel Without a Cause (1955);

60。法櫃奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981);61。迷魂計 Vertigo (1958);

62。窈窕淑男 Tootsie (1982); 63。驛馬車 Stagecoach (1939);

64。第三類接觸 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977);

65。沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991);66。熒光幕後 Network (1976);

67。諜網迷魂 The Manchurian Candidate (1962);

68。花都舞影 An American in Paris (1951);69。原野奇俠 Shane (1953);

70。霹靂神探 The French Connection (1971);71。阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump (1994);

72。賓漢 Ben-Hut (1959); 73。咆哮山莊 Wuthering Heights (1939);

74。淘金記 The Gold Rush (1925); 75。與狼共舞 Dances With Wolves (1990);

76。城市之光 City Lights (1931); 77。美國風情畫 American Graffiti (1973);

78。洛基(第一集) Rocky (1976); 79。越戰獵鹿人 The Deer Hunter (1978);

80。日落黃沙 The Wild Bunch (1969);81。摩登時代 Modern Times (1936);

82。巨人 Giant (1956); 83。野戰排 Platoon (1986);

84。冰血暴 Fargo (1996); 85。鴨羹 Duck Soup (1933);

86。叛艦喋血記 Mutiny on the Bounty (1935);87。科學怪人 Frankenstein (1931);

88。逍遙騎士 Easy Rider (1969); 89。巴頓將軍 Patton (1970);

90。爵士歌手 The Jazz Singer (1927);91。窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady (1964);

92。郎心如鐵 A Place in the Sun (1951);93。公寓春光 The Apartment (1960);

94。四海好家夥 Goodfellas (1990); 95。黑色追緝令 Pulp Fiction (1994);

96。搜索者 The Searchers (1956); 97。育嬰奇談 Bringing Up Baby (1938);

98。殺無赦 Unforgiven (1992);99。誰來晚餐Guess Who's Coming to Dinner(1967);

100。勝利之歌 Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)。


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