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3。一定要適當露出肌膚。腳踝,小手臂,脖頸下的三角區,身形再粗壯,這些部位一般都相對纖細,都適合大大方方地露出來。長袖襯衣,一定要扣上袖扣拉起或半卷起袖子,卷起的高度與腰帶的位置平齊。短袖T恤,也將袖子卷起一段小邊, 讓手臂側麵形成一個上弧形,造成手臂纖細的視覺誤差。或者幹脆就穿無袖的,隻是要注意衣服的肩洞一定要挖得合適,過小顯得局促,過大就是潦草了。







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簡單一點好 回複 悄悄話 都是金科玉律。個人覺得隻要不過分注重打扮,適當美一美,也是可以的。想當美國大媽也是可以的,整天穿著T恤牛仔,也很瀟灑。
隻錄 回複 悄悄話 回複 'elfie' 的評論 :
Thank you for leaving long comments on my blog. I appreciate your honesty and openness, and I'm glad that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts openly.

I agree with you that it's important to be vulnerable and to let our guard down sometimes. It can be difficult to do, but it's worth it in the long run. When we open ourselves up to others, we create deeper connections and build stronger relationships.

I also agree with you that there are many different ways to enjoy life. Dressing up nicely is just one way, and it's not the only way that's important. There are many other things that can bring us joy and we should live the fullness of our life on the earth, as mentioned in Ecclesiastes 9:7-9, 7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. 8 Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. (not literally, meaning spending time and effort) 9 Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.

I appreciate your sharing your thoughts about your mom's expectations. It sounds like she wants you to look your best because she loves you and wants you to be happy.

The longer you stay in America, this beautiful country formed by immigrants, the different lenses you will use to look at people, you won’t notice the skin color of the people. You will appreciate the diversity of the community and the different kinds of beauty from different races.

Finally, Just want to share a quote from Matthew 6:27, 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? It's a reminder that we shouldn't worry about things that are beyond our control. And you will find that almost nothing is under our control. So why worry about them?

elfie 回複 悄悄話 I'm always amazed by the people or women like you. Honestly I don't care if I look good because very few people around me care about it. The people working in my school are mostly females and blacks. In this school no one cares about their looks. At another school I worked at before, teachers apparently dress better than this current one. Maybe that attribute to school performance too? Or it's just a coincidence and not causal effects. My mother, who lives 7000 miles away from me, is the only person that cares about fashion. And the most strange thing is she wants me to look good too. Why? it beats me. In the world I live in, dresses and skirts are so rare it's negligible. Most Americans are in T-shirts and weird tops and bottoms, too obese to fit into a nice dress or slacker. Beauty is not an issue or concern for most people. Indeed we live in different worlds, my mother and I. There is so much more to worry about in daily life than an outfit.
一個沒有驚豔的老樹 回複 悄悄話 haha
隻錄 回複 悄悄話 回複 '紅泥小火爐2022' 的評論 : 謝謝
隻錄 回複 悄悄話 回複 '一個沒有驚豔的老樹' 的評論 : 肯定可以的。試試吧,實踐出真知啊。
隻錄 回複 悄悄話 回複 'diaozhi' 的評論 : 您說得對,沒想替男士瞎操心。
diaozhi 回複 悄悄話 謝謝。

一個沒有驚豔的老樹 回複 悄悄話 若是六十歲的人,也這麽打扮嗎?
紅泥小火爐2022 回複 悄悄話 很好的總結!