一月份頭腦發熱,在網上報了兩門課。但是 “報名一時爽,作業百般拖”。每次該寫作業了,就拖延症。實在不能王顧左右而言他了,反跑到圖書館找閑書。想看的《伊利亞隨筆》Essays of Elia,架上沒有。不肯放棄,麻煩館員從鄰鎮借調過來。過了兩天,書到了,再專門跑一趟取書。
作者查爾斯 蘭姆 (Charles Lamb) 是英國人,1775年生,1834年去世。蘭姆一輩子都在東印度公司工作,做書記員。1820 年開始,大約有五年時間,他撰稿給《倫敦雜誌》The London Magazine。對話式的文風放鬆,輕俏,極有個人風格,一發表就大受歡迎 (“immediately popular”)。1823年,散文編錄成集,取名《伊利亞隨筆》。1833年,又出了續篇 The Last Essays of Elia. 《伊利亞隨筆》裏的 “伊利亞”,是蘭姆的筆名,借用了南海公司一位意大利前同事的名字。我看的是第一本。
回憶舊公司和舊同事的有 The South Sea House。
過年過節發感歎,New Year’s Eve, All Fool’s Day, Valentine’s Day。
寫親戚的 The Relations.
寫娛樂休閑的有打牌,Mrs. Battle’s Opinion on Whist. 或者度假,Oxford in the Vacation.
還有世間百態。The Two Races of Men 說世上隻有兩種人,求借者和借出者 (“the men who borrow, and the men who lend.” p.51),哈哈!A Complaint of The Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis 寫乞丐。A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People 寫不婚者對已婚者的冷眼旁觀,夠尖刻,夠辛辣。
友情和故人。Distant Correspondents 和 The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers 都寫得優美,傷感。
美食篇有 Grace before Meat 和 A dissertation upon Roast Pig。後一篇不厭其煩地講了一個故事,說中國人是如何無意中發現 (發明)烤豬肉這一美味的。頑童玩火,不但燒毀了房子,還燒死了乳豬 —— 烤乳豬!
童年。Dream-Children; A Reverie 是在英國鄉間探親度假。My First Play 是小時候去劇院看戲.
寫看戲和評演技的有三篇。On Some of the Old Actors, On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century 和 On the Acting of Munden. 寫的是故人舊事,語氣非常傷感。
Grace Before Meat。蘭姆認為,飯前禱告的做法實在矛盾,讓人糊塗。饑腸轆轆,哪來力氣謝主?美食當前,不能大快朵頤,卻要一邊咽口水,一邊喃喃祈禱?(With the ravenous orgasm upon you, it seems impertinent to interpose religious sentiment. It is a confusion of purpose to mutter out praises from a mouth that waters. p. 211)
Distant Correspondents 是懷念友人篇,寫得非常感人。尤其是結尾呼喚友人早日回來, “Come back, before I am grown into a very old man, so as you shall hardly know me.” (p. 247) 讓我想起李商隱的《寄令狐郎中》:“嵩雲秦樹久離居,雙鯉迢迢一紙書。休問梁園舊賓客,茂陵秋雨病相如。”
同一篇裏,蘭姆感歎因為距離,無法分享雙關語 (“pun”) 的樂趣。寫得很有意思,也很能體現他的機智,輕倩的寫作風格。“A pun hath a hearty kind of present ear-kissing smack with it; you can no more transmit it in its pristine flavour, than you can send a kiss. —- Have you not tried in some instance to palm off a yesterday’s pun upon a gentleman, and has it answered?…. It was like picking up at a village ale-house a two days old newspaper.” (p. 245) 兩百年前蘭姆的遺憾,已經成了曆史。感謝社交軟件,秒回成了日常。
The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers. 蘭姆的朋友詹姆斯,每年都辦一個“香腸宴” (“hissing sausages” p. 259),請掃煙囪的工人來吃飯。一個星期以前就發出請柬,確定人數。詹姆斯既是主人,又是招待。蘭姆和另外一個朋友也來幫忙,分發酒水。這是慈善宴,也是感謝宴。設宴的誠意待客,被請的也欣然赴宴。一年又一年。但是,天下沒有不散的宴席。詹姆斯死了,他的宴席也隨著消失了。”James White is extinct, and with him these suppers have long ceased. He carried away with him half the fun of the world when he died - of my world at least. His old clients look for him among the pens; and, missing him, reproach the altered feast of St. Bartholomew, and the glory of Smithfield departed for ever. (p. 261) 我讀到這裏,想起了汪曾祺的《茶幹》,裏麵寫了連萬順醬園店的連老板。“連萬順已經沒有了。連老板也已經故去多年了。。。。一個人監製的一種食物,成了一地方具有代表性的生產,也真不容易。不過,這種東西沒有了,也就沒有了。”
A Complaint of The Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis 裏有一個傳聞。某個銀行小職員,每天早上,往路邊要飯的瞎子碗裏扔兩個鋼鏰。扔了二十年。瞎子死了,留下遺囑說所有財產都給小職員。五百英鎊的巨款!蘭姆想,這樣好事為什麽沒有輪到我?仿佛曾記得有那麽一個的乞丐,瞎眼望天。但是,“我” 一直捂緊了錢包 (“steeled my purse against him”)。也許,當時“我” 身上沒帶零錢? (p. 274) 這些小心思,都很引人同感。同一篇,提到了King Cophetua,“when we read the ‘true ballad’ where King Cophetua wooes the beggar maid?” p. 265) 我一下子想起了剛看過的小說,The Beggar’s Maid,門羅的半自傳長篇。
A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People 寫婚姻生活對友情的考驗和改變。曾經的好哥們,婚後漸漸疏遠,重色輕友,都是妻子在挑刺。比方說,妻子毫不掩飾見到丈夫好友的失望:“我想象中的蘭姆有涵養,高個,帶一點官威。但是真人恰恰相反!” 蘭姆忍氣沒有跟她反唇相譏,但在書裏大發牢騷。說自己比她身高五尺五的丈夫還高了半寸,為何被說矮?要說英勇的男子氣,都是半斤八兩。至於到新婚夫婦家裏做客,更是災難。蘭姆抱怨主婦到點不開晚飯,要客人餓著等男主人下班回家,哪怕牡蠣失了鮮味也不管。他嘲諷她失禮,弄反了待客之道,“對客人如家人,待丈夫如上賓。” (“When they use us with familiarity, and their husbands with ceremony.” p. 300)
Distant Correspondents 是給朋友的信,閑話家常。比方說,提起有個朋友娶了女仆。麻雀變鳳凰,有人歡喜有人愁。做朋友的,怎麽看在丈夫麵子上禮遇這位新夫人呢?比方說,討論文學話題時要節製。還有,諸如地毯,抹布等家務話題,要三思再開口。最安全的做法是完全繞開不談。還有一個讓人頭疼的,是怎麽在新婦麵前跟自己的女仆說話。是那種跟下人說話常用的口氣,稍微帶點不耐煩的斥責?還是突然換一種親切的態度?仿佛家常女仆原本是名門顯貴,隻是命運無常才落難身處下賤?!(“by treating Becky with our customary chiding before her, or by an unusual deferential civility paid to Becky as to a person of great worth, but thrown by the caprice of fate into a humble station.” p. 241) 好一番斟酌掂量,讀來有趣。
語言機智,詼諧,英國式的幽默。說一個人循規蹈矩,”His actions seemed ruled by a ruler. (P.10) 說人愛揮霍,“Money kept longer than three days stinks”. So he made use of it while it was still fresh. (p. 55) 成套的書被人借去一本不還,成了殘本,“a widower-volumes, with “eyes-closed”, mourns his ravished mate.” (p.58) 烤乳豬美味至極,蘭姆堅決拒絕分享,更不會學李爾王拱手送人,One would not, like Lear, “give every thing”. (p.286) 寫演員精細的表情變化,比慢慢膨大的氣球還要有跡可循。”The balloon takes less time in filling, than it took to cover the expansion of his broad moony face over all its quarters with expression”. (p.313)