ThThank you in advance for your signature. No donation for me)
Year 2012, as a single father, I moved from Montreal to the town of Standard, Alberta, with my two minor daughters. I bought a mini hotel in the town for my business. Since then, I have had a lot of troubles in dealing with small town political issues, partly because I am the only Asian family in the village. Fortunately, all the inspectors sent by town office are on my side because they know the town office’s tricks and found nothing wrong with my hotel.
A terrible thing happened in 2016, after a guy moved a 2-bedroom mobile house to my hotel yard, which I wasn’t formally purchased. The town office moved this mobile house away by wrongly named it as “skid shack”, which is not allowed by a town bylaw. Clearly, this action is an illegal application of the bylaw. Not only that, but the town office also charged me for the moving fee and $15 per day of storage fee. These fees were hidden in my hotel property tax (I refused to pay those costs but I paid off my annual property tax). The town office accumulated storage fees up for years to total of $29,000. In 2020, then the town office threaded to place my hotel property for public auction if I continually refused to pay so.
According to the Provincial Government Municipal ACT S610: Property without owners under the control of the municipality will automatically become the legal property of the municipality if it is unclaimed after 30 days. To reduce expenses, the municipality must auction it after 90 days; for some reason, the municipality must destroy it if the auction fails. However, Standard’s town office knew that it was illegal and kept it in a parking area for over 4 years, accumulating a storage fee of $29,000, and used it as an excuse to threaten Peter in 2020. If the payment is refused, Peter's hotel will be auctioned! This is a clear testimony to the abuse of power by the town office against the civilians, almost driving Peter to a ruin.
Recently, Alberta Human Rights Commission sent a request for the town office to respond my complaint. I filled an injunction to stop auction of my hotel and legal harassment, possibly wish to sign the counterclaim for all the damages they caused my business and my family mentally, emotionally, and physically for nine years long. I have all the support documentation with evidence to follow up.
The town office’s harassment against me also includes: 1) Every year, the snow on the street dumped into my hotel and residences both properties. 2) I knew there is no need to apply a permit for renovation of the existing patio, but the town officer advised me to apply a permit. But when I followed and make a submission, the town office sent me a refusal; meanwhile accused me "renovation without permit". 3) Using the power rejected my hotel to apply for Canadian culture & historical site. 4) Spread rumors and ruin my hotel business into the market. 5) Provide cheap rent and convinced my tenants to break the contract. And etc.. . .
I insist on struggling and started this petition, one is for my family living environment, the other is for the immigrants and minority social groups who are still living with unfair living environments, and to let the mainstream society pay attention, justify back the mistakes and provide a better living improvement.
(請注意,以下的中文是為了讓中文的同胞了解整個事件的簡況,而不是對以上英語文章的翻譯。 謝謝諸位的支持,我不需要捐款,隻希望更多的人簽名轉發支持我的請願)
潘Peter作為一名單身父親,2012 年他帶著兩個年幼的女兒由魁省蒙特利爾移居阿省小鎮Standard,並買下了一棟酒吧餐廳客房連體的百年迷你旅館。由於他是唯一的亞裔,移居小鎮不久就陷入了種種麻煩和歧視。雖然鎮辦 (village office) 一直刁難,並頻頻要求檢查官們檢查他的旅館,但是檢查官們均知道小鎮的做法有問題,加上Peter完全遵守有關運營規定,檢查官們都很同情Peter,並鼓勵他不要氣餒。之後,鎮辦再次製造種種借口繼續對Peter的生意刁難幹擾,但是Peter並沒有因此屈服,於是鎮辦變換手法進一步設計整治Peter。
2016年Peter看中一個兩睡房的Mobile Home, 當時隻表示有購買意向。可是該房主因為急於關閉他的公司,在Peter不知情沒有任何手續的情況下,該屋主把該MH運到Peter旅店的領地上 (法律上該MH不屬於Peter)。鎮辦故意把MH錯稱為Skid Shack,然後以該鎮規定Skid Shack不可以在該小鎮使用為由將該MH拖走,以$15日計倉費累積達4年之久,而後將$29,000 餘元的倉費運費非法變更納入 Peter的旅館地稅內。
Peter 之所以堅持抗爭,其一是為了他和他的家庭公平的生存環境,其二是希望通過他的抗爭為移民和少數群族的不公平生存環境引起主流社會的關注並進行糾錯和改善。
Steven Jin
nexthe Thank you in advance for your signature. No donation for me)