

(2021-09-13 04:06:01) 下一個


A letter to CBC reporter

Good morning Joel.

Glad to chat with you on the phone last week. And I appreciated of your concern, which I am trying my best to let you more clearly and transparently to see an immigrant who is specially selected by Canadian Immigration officer who believed my skill would be beneficially to Canada, which how I am struggling and personally experiencing our Canadian systems from medical, justice, civil & criminal, administration as College du Quebec, Burreau du Montreal, Burreau du Quebec, Chief of MUC Police, Chief of Prosecutor, RCMP, Human Rights Commission, Ombudsman, government of municipals, provincials, and federal by mayors, provincials of prime ministers, and several of federal prime ministers. Also by majority social medias as CTV, CBC, GLOBAL, GAZETTE, & etc.
As I mentioned to you that I am keep knocking since the day my first wife Cuiqin Ren who incidentally died that related with mentioned above of certain systems from year 1995, which I received great comment from CBC in Montreal, the reporter on the meeting I attended who told me that "I really feel sorry bout whatever you suffered and experienced, because your issues are too sensitive, and that's why most of social medias don't want to involve. At the time one of the reporter from Gazette (he has the office in the courthouse of Montreal) who was specialized with the court cases, and he told me that he is watching my cases, but to the end I didn't hear anything from him. You are the only one who are fully investing your time, your energy and your professional knowledge to dick-out my life story, and willing to let the majority Canadian society to know the truth of such kind immigration life we are dealing with.
I joined several Chinese community WeChat groups, and I received many comments from people; they all congratulated saying I am the lucky guy who is finally gain attentions by CBC. And I totally understand reason why because even myself I was keep knocking for 25 years long, which many others are still keep knocking, which still didn't have results yet. And that's also the great reason for me to spending a lot of times to working with you, for me, and for the others although I have so many things need to taking care of. As I multiply mentioned that although it might too later to straight-out my issues, which it still worth for all the sufferness I am receiving and dealing with.
Yesterday we had a video call meeting regarding every members who has the legal & justice issues in the WeChat group of "MUTUAL AID LEGAL SUPPORT GROUP", several members wish if I able to help them to address their issues to CBC. I knew you are extremely busy with your duties, and I am wondering if your colleagues or other work teams might have chance to look at? The reason why I beg you if your colleagues or other teams who able to look at because the a great  example of myself, the social status, the language, that all be the major issues for our Chinese immigrates to having hard time to communicate with Canadian systems and social medias. Somehow language barrier is the big issue for us. And that is the another reason to encourage me to reform the "UNITED CANADIAN-CHINESE MUTUAL-AID ASSOCIATION (UCMA)" that I created since year 2003 in Quebec of Federal Non-Profit Organization. I contacted with Federal cooperate registration two weeks ago and I received positive response last week who is guiding me how to reactivate, and how possibly to get some grands from two level of the government funding. 
I received a voicemail from AHRC who left a message and wants me to call back. And I will let you know the result what about. As you know, from my side, I always try to fit the local community, doing something together with the village office of Standard to improving the relation, and for local economy to create better living environment for all our civilians, which it as my duties to create several projects according the village and my hotel as well. Recently I wrote a letter again to the Denmark Embassy Ottawa again, also to the provincial and federal to state the reason why I am submit those kind projects although I suppose retired since two years ago. I really hope that if I could make something happen to contribute our Country not just my sad immigration experiencing to the society, also beneficial to the local community of the development of the economy and better living environment as well.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Peter Z Pan Sept. 12, 2021
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