

加拿大尼亞加拉湖濱小鎮秋色 (視頻+圖片))

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尼亞加拉湖濱小鎮秋色(Autumn Scenery in Niagara-on-the-Lake):秋天的尼亞加拉湖濱小鎮秋五彩斑斕,仿佛走進了秋天的童話世界,該鎮被稱世界七大童話小鎮之一。


     Niagara-on-the-lake: Located at the confluence of Niagara River and Lake Ontario, it is about 130 kilometers and about 1 hour and 40 minutes’ drive from Downtown Toronto. and about 25 kilometers and 25 minutes’ drive from Niagara Falls.  It is called one of the seven fairy tale towns in the world.


      尼亞加拉湖濱小鎮(Niagara-On-The-Lake)也被譽為加拿大最美的小鎮,是以Queen Street為主體的旅遊大街,鎮中心皇後大街兩邊是色彩鮮明的建築,極具歐洲風範,古典優雅,小鎮美麗恬靜,從春天到秋天,小鎮遍地繁花似錦,空氣中彌漫著百花的馨香。




         Niagara-On-The-Lake is also known as the most beautiful town in Canada.  Queen Street, a tourist attraction, is the main body of the town.  Queen Street in the center of the town is flanked by brightly colored buildings with a great European style and classical elegance.  The air is filled with the sweet smell of flowers from spring to autumn.  The colorful town in autumn is like an autumn fairy tale world, while the winter snow-covered white fairy tale world is also quiet and beautiful; Lakeside European-style houses and vineyards really attract tourists.

   Generally, the visitors here have one of four goals: to see the town, to ride, to taste the wine and to hang out.

    Whenever you come to this town, you will feel that you have entered a fairy tale world.


特色景觀:Characteristic attractions

曆史悠久的冰淇淋店鋪:Historic Avondale Dairy Bar!

軍事博物館(Navy Hall)

尼亞加拉曆史社會博物館(Niagara Historical Society Museum)

喬治堡壘,密西沙加堡壘(Fort Mississauga)

京斯頓高地(Queenston Heights)

布魯克紀念碑與巴特勒軍營(Butler's Barracks)

尼亞加拉堡壘(Fort Niagara,在對岸的美國邊界)

皇後皇家公園(Queen's Royal Park)

聖馬可教堂(St. Mark’s Church)等等

威爾士王子酒店(Prince of WalesHotel)

鍾樓紀念碑Clock Tower Monument

參觀葡萄園,品嚐葡萄酒Visit the vineyards and taste the wines






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