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Battle of Megiddo of Thutmose III圖特摩斯三世的米吉多之戰(主前1479年)

The Battle of Megiddo was a significant military engagement that took place during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III of Ancient Egypt. It occurred around 1479 BCE and is considered one of the most well-documented battles of the ancient world. The battle was part of Thutmose III's campaigns to expand the Egyptian empire and assert control over territories in the Levant.

Key points about the Battle of Megiddo:

  1. Location: The battle took place near the city of Megiddo, located in present-day Israel. Megiddo was strategically positioned along an important trade route and was a fortified city that controlled access to various regions.
  2. Opposing Forces: On one side was the Egyptian army led by Pharaoh Thutmose III. On the other side were a coalition of Canaanite city-states led by the King of Kadesh.
  3. Strategy: Thutmose III employed a strategic approach known as the "strangling maneuver." He divided his army into two main columns, one moving through the rugged terrain of the hills and the other along the coastal plain. This encircled the enemy forces at Megiddo and cut off their retreat.
  4. Battle Outcome: The Egyptian forces were able to surprise the Canaanite coalition and quickly overwhelm them. The precise details of the battle's progression are recorded on the walls of the Temple of Amun at Karnak. The inscriptions describe the various stages of the battle, including the use of chariots, infantry, and archers.
  5. Impact: The Battle of Megiddo resulted in a decisive victory for the Egyptian forces. It allowed Thutmose III to solidify Egyptian control over Canaan and the surrounding territories. This battle and the subsequent campaigns contributed to the expansion of the Egyptian empire to its greatest extent.
  6. Historical Significance: The Battle of Megiddo has left a lasting impact on history and military strategy. It is often cited as one of the earliest recorded examples of a large-scale coordinated military campaign. Additionally, the term "Armageddon" is believed to have its origins in the name of the city Megiddo, becoming symbolic of a final and apocalyptic battle in various religious and cultural contexts.

The Battle of Megiddo stands as a testament to Thutmose III's military prowess and strategic brilliance. It played a crucial role in shaping the course of ancient history and influencing subsequent military tactics and strategies.



  1. 地點: 該戰役發生在現今以色列的米吉多城附近。米吉多位於一條重要的貿易路線上,是一座控製通往不同地區的要塞城市。
  2. 對抗勢力: 一方是由法老圖特摩斯三世率領的埃及軍隊。另一方是由卡德士國王領導的迦南城邦聯盟。
  3. 戰略: 圖特摩斯三世采用了一種被稱為“勒死戰術”的戰略方法。他將軍隊分成兩個主要列,一個穿越崎嶇的山地,另一個沿著沿海平原。這將米吉多的敵軍包圍起來,切斷了他們的撤退路線。
  4. 戰鬥結果: 埃及軍隊能夠出其不意地迅速擊敗迦南聯盟。戰鬥的詳細進程記錄在卡爾納克的阿蒙神廟的牆壁上。這些銘文描述了戰鬥的各個階段,包括戰車、步兵和弓箭手的運用。
  5. 影響: 米吉多之戰為埃及軍隊帶來了決定性的勝利。它使圖特摩斯三世能夠鞏固埃及對迦南和周邊地區的控製。這場戰鬥及隨後的戰役為埃及帝國的擴張做出了重要貢獻,使其達到了最大範圍。
  6. 曆史意義: 米吉多之戰對曆史和軍事戰略產生了持久影響。它經常被引用為大規模協調軍事行動最早被記錄的例子之一。此外,“亞米吉多”一詞被認為起源於米吉多城的名字,在各種宗教和文化背景下象征著最終和末日的戰鬥。


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