

第二十三天 遠避煙酒、藥物及其他習癮

(2021-05-04 09:02:42) 下一個

第二十三天 遠避煙酒、藥物及其他習癮



我禱告求你阻撓撒但想用煙酒或藥物毀滅他生命的任何計謀,拿去他會受誘惑的任何性情。聖經說:"有一條路,人以為正,至終成為死亡之路。"(箴 16:25)賜他有明辨是非的力量能向一切帶來死亡的事物說"不",向一切屬於神並帶來生命的事物說"是"。願他一遇見試探便能清楚看見真理,一落入陷阱就能脫離惡者得蒙拯救,使他凡事都選擇生命,願他單單對神的事物上癮。


Lord, I pray that You would keep my son *** free from any addiction-especially to alcohol or drugs. Make him strong in You, draw him close and enable him to put You in control of his life. Speak to his heart, show him the path he should walk, and help him see that protecting his body from things that destroy it is a part of his service to You.

I pray that You, Lord, would thwart any plan Satan has to destroy his life through alcohol and drugs, and take away anything in his personality that would be drawn to those substances. Your Word says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Proverbs 16:25). Give him discernment and strength to be able to say "no" to things that bring death and "yes" to the things of God that bring life. May he clearly see the truth whenever tempted and be delivered from the evil one whenever trapped. Enable him to choose life in whatever he does, and may his only addiction be to the things of God.

In Jesus' name I pray that everything he does with his body be done to Your glory.



我禱告求你阻撓撒但想用煙酒或藥物毀滅她生命的任何計謀,拿去她會受誘惑的任何性情。聖經說:"有一條路,人以為正,至終成為死亡之路。"(箴 16:25)賜她有明辨是非的力量能向一切帶來死亡的事物說"不",向一切屬於神並帶來生命的事物說"是"。願她一遇見試探便能清楚看見真理,一落入陷阱就能脫離惡者得蒙拯救,使她凡事都選擇生命,願她單單對神的事物上癮。


Lord, I pray that You would keep my daughter *** free from any addiction-especially to alcohol or drugs. Make her strong in You, draw her close and enable her to put You in control of her life. Speak to her heart, show her the path she should walk, and help her see that protecting her body from things that destroy it is a part of her service to You.

I pray that You, Lord, would thwart any plan Satan has to destroy her life through alcohol and drugs, and take away anything in her personality that would be drawn to those substances. Your Word says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Proverbs 16:25). Give her discernment and strength to be able to say "no" to things that bring death and "yes" to the things of God that bring life. May she clearly see the truth whenever tempted and be delivered from the evil one whenever trapped. Enable her to choose life in whatever she does, and may her only addiction be to the things of God.

In Jesus' name I pray that everything she does with her body be done to Your glory.


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